Puppet's and Muppet's

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Joe O'Rourke
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Puppet's and Muppet's

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Wed May 23, 2018 11:40 am

It’s been a nightmare for Jabba the Hutt trying to put a positive spin on Sevco when the Famous Glasgow Celtic have made History once again, but give him credit for trying at least. What are the Rags full of today? Inferences that new SFA Chief Executive Ian Maxwell is a puppet for the Best Chief Executive in Europe, Peter Lawwell.

Let’s be clear about one thing from the start, a proper puppet, like Sooty or Sweep would be an improvement on the previous CEO the gutless Stewart Regan. In fact if you just placed a plank of wood in his position at Hampden that would still be an improvement as well.

If you want to talk about puppets then that’s exactly what Regan was. He was controlled by the blazers at Hampden, and there was always a majority of brethren amongst the blazers, that explains all the dodgy dealing that went on during Regan’s tenure, and certainly since 2011.

How can you explain David Cunningham King being declared Fit & Proper to run a professional football club in Scotland, even one as dysfunctional as Sevco? Not forgetting either that King was part of the Oldco Rangers Board who mismanaged them into Liquidation, and left hundreds of businesses owed about £140 million.

It also explains why Oldco were granted a licence to compete in European Football in 2011 when the Wee Tax case was indeed crystallised. Although Sevco have now been charged over the incident, what punishment will be handed down? If any. I’m sure Peter Lawwell and our Lawyer will be watching developments with great interest, as should the rest of Scottish Football, although I doubt that.

Jabba was helped again at the weekend, what could possibly be considered positive for Sevco after Brendan and Celtic have made History again by winning of the Doubly Treble? Well that’s easy, all he needed with a Celtic supporting Sevco player to turn up at Hampden in amongst the Celtic Supporters.

There has been a few occasions when something posted on Twitter by a Celtic Player or Supporter has been jumped on by the bigoted hordes from Govan, and it’s been well covered by our diligent media. Well the sectarian abuse on the internet aimed at Michael O’Halloran after his appearance at Hampden has as far as I know been ignored. It also happened with Pedro Caxinha, and it will happen with Gerrard, or anyone with the slightest connection to Celtic.

Gerrard will bring something different to Sevco, he was without doubt a fantastic player, but fantastic players don’t always make fantastic managers, we know that ourselves, apprentices don’t get time at a real big club, then again Sevco aren’t a real big club, so he might get a chance. An interesting point about that, Henrik Larsson played for Manchester United for 6 months and won the League Title, Gerrard played in the English Premier League for Liverpool for 17 years and never won the Title.

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