It's an Invitation to Assault Broony. Has anyone seen McGlennan?

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Joe O'Rourke
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It's an Invitation to Assault Broony. Has anyone seen McGlennan?

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Wed Apr 04, 2018 11:50 am

Going by the lack of action from the SFA Compliance officer Tony McGlennan it is deemed to be open season on those wanting to assault Scott Brown, I use the term assault because that is what it was, there was never any intention to win the ball, the ball had clearly gone when Davies put his boot into Scott’s groin area.

I have to say, it’s the worst tackle I have ever seen in regards to the intention to deliberately cause a player serious injury. There has been worse outcomes in terms of how serious an injury received was, but I don’t think I have ever seen someone actually ignore the ball, well not in professional football.

Every pundit called it correctly, it was horrendous, and I fully expected McGlennan to make a statement very quickly to announce a charge of violent conduct, but alas, as is normal with the “Shower of Cheats” anything involving Celtic or one of our players is a free hit, imagine it had been Broony tackling Davies, it would have merited another summit at Holyrood.

We have always been on the wrong end of decisions by the SFA, you wouldn’t know that Regan had left the building. McGlennan is still working on the Fraudulent awarding of a EUFA licence to the Deid Club in 2011, he started his investigation in September last year, how much time does this clown need?

I used to think that all the supporters of the honest teams in Scotland would unite to get rid of the “BLATANT CHEATS” who are supposed to govern our game for the benefit of all the clubs in Scotland. But apart from a sprinkling of supporters spread around the country nobody outside of Celtic and their supporters is interested.

I suppose the only way forward is for all the different factions within the Celtic support to come together in unison to address the issues of lack of proper governance and of the lack of transparency and accountability. I think we have enough clever people within our support who could come up with a strategy to achieve those aims, and to also address historical cheating by one club against all the other clubs, not only in Scotland, but all over Europe as well.

McGlennan is not alone, he is joined by two men who should be nowhere near authority, namely McRae and Petrie, how have these two managed to survive for so long? One thing is sure, with the removal of Regan they won’t be sitting so comfy in their big armchairs at Hampden. The Times they are a Changing, and Justice will catch up with them sooner rather than later.

Hopefully tonight we get a chance to shut up another phoney in Neil McCann. He reckoned the assault on Broony was normal in his day playing for the Deid Club, it was normal, but all the Andrew Davies type Hammer Throwers were playing in the same team as that jumped up wee nobody McCann, I would love to see him facing up to Broony on the pitch, it would be no contest.

The main thing is that tonight we get another three points on our way to Seven in a Row, McCann and McRae and Petrie are sick with the thought of us doing ten in a Row. They are not alone, which makes it all the more Sweeter when we do win trophies without the need to Cheat, or get the benefit of Cheating Officials.

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