Sevco or Loan Rangers.

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Joe O'Rourke
Posts: 282
Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:13 pm

Sevco or Loan Rangers.

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Mon Jan 15, 2018 12:50 pm

Maybe its time for Sevco to change their name again, an appropriate name could be “The Loan Rangers” since all the business they seem to do is in the form of a loan. The latest loan deal appears to be for former Hibs player Jason Cummings, and there is media speculation that Russell Martin will also join on loan from Norwich.

But it’s not just recruitment that’s done through loans, according to all reports the whole clubs day to day business is being done through loans from Directors, obviously Financial Fair Play Rules don’t apply to Sevco.

Look at the fiasco surrounding the signing of Jamie Murphy from Brighton, contrary to the lazy journalism from the likes of Stephen Mc Gowan that declared the deal was done quickly and very professionally, the deal wasn’t done, because Brighton refused to accept an I.O.U. so it had to be another loan deal.

I wonder what SFA Chief Stewart Regan makes of it all, I guess it will be just the same as when all the cheating went on through illegal contracts, another “Nelson’s Eye”. It would seem that Sevco are a law unto themselves in Scottish Football.

What’s the difference between a Sevconian in Govan and a Sevconian in North America? The answer to that simple question is there is no difference. That fact has been proved many times over, on a weekly basis in Scotland, and on any occasion when they manage to get to play in other parts of the world.

I have been lucky enough to have watched Celtic play in cities like Boston and Philadelphia, in Seattle and Toronto, and it is a completely joyful occasion. You only have to look at the pictures from Dubai with all the kids dressed in their Celtic strips watching the team train, not an angry word or song. Then look at the video’s from Florida, nothing but Sectarian Bile.

But again the SFA and Regan turn a blind eye and deaf ear to it, as does Scotland’s Finest. And don’t get me started on the other Scotland’s Shame … “The Media” I am very grateful to guys like James Forrest and Joe Mc Hugh, not forgetting Paul Brennan and Auld Heid. These guys on a daily basis are doing far more research than the so-called journalists who get paid to do it.

The good news is this, the way things are going with the newspapers, there will be no need for sports writers in a couple of years’ time, although I am never happy if people are losing their jobs.

Hopefully our Bhoys have enjoyed the weeks training in the warmth of Dubai, and they have recharged their batteries for the second half of the season, just like last season. I am thoroughly looking forward to getting back to watching our team every week again, the wee break was good, and needed, but nothing beats following “The Famous Glasgow Celtic”

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