Another Poppy Trap Tomorrow.

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Joe O'Rourke
Posts: 282
Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:13 pm

Another Poppy Trap Tomorrow.

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Fri Nov 03, 2017 6:48 pm

Each year in November we get put under pressure by the Poppy Fascist’s to agree with their opinions about how to remember those who lost their lives in war. A lot of people believe as I do that it is a personal issue, and people should pay their respects as they see fit.

It’s not even all the people who lost their lives, just those who fall into the category they believe should be remembered. But in the last few years it’s getting worse, it seems that everyone who appears on live television is forced to wear a poppy.

The real hypocrites are those who have imported this into sport, and mostly football. Celtic have paid plenty of fines for what UEFA called political demonstrations by the display of some banners, and they were backed by the SFA/SPFL.

Tomorrow once again the trap has been set, this time the poacher is St Johnstone. They have informed Celtic that a Minutes Silence will be held tomorrow before our match. They never indicated during the pre-match meeting that was the case, they waited until late this afternoon to contact Celtic.

With all the roadworks going on tomorrow around Perth there will obviously be supporters arriving late, some will be caught out not knowing about the silence, and no doubt the microphones will be there to catch any noise.

I’m not going to ramble on about the merits of Poppies or minutes silences. I will remain outside until it’s over with, and I would suggest that anyone who doesn’t agree with the minutes silence does likewise. If supporters are happy with the silence then by all means take part.

It looks like this situation in November is never going to change. If they don’t want to leave the politics at home, maybe the supporters will remain at home instead. I will be seriously considering whether I return to St Johnstone for any more games.

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