If King told me he was a Liar, I wouldn't believe him.

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Joe O'Rourke
Posts: 295
Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:13 pm

If King told me he was a Liar, I wouldn't believe him.

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Mon Jun 26, 2017 12:07 pm

Most of you will remember United States President George W Bush saying in 2002 “Fool me once shame on me, fool me twice shame on you” (he never actually got it right, but you’ll allow me to continue) well how many times does Dodgy Dave King have to fool the Sevco support before they waken up and do something about it? I mean how gullible can you get?

This is the man that a senior judge in South Africa called “A Glib and Shameless Liar” if king told me he told lies I wouldn’t believe him. I think he has surpassed himself this time with all the guff about sorting Mike Ashley out in terms of their retail deal, and his other nonsense about how many in a row Celtic have won.

The comments come after Celtic made History once again. King thinks we should have been further ahead, we were almost out of sight, for most of the season Sevco were closer to the bottom team than they were to Celtic. An Invincible Treble Season, first time ever been achieved. I think Leigh Griffiths responded brilliantly to King’s comments, Sparky put him in his place.

This clown treats the rest of Scottish Football as if we are all the clowns instead of him, it’s about time he was put back in his box and sent back to South Africa to manage his wine cellar, that’s about all he would be capable of managing.

This charlatan is only getting any media coverage because all the hacks in the main stream media are scared to upset him, and especially his supporters, or should that be fans? It’s also only because of incompetent administrators like Stewart Regan that he is allowed anywhere near a professional football team, that’s if you could call Sevco a professional football team.

How do you begin to respond to Dodgy Dave’s assertion that Celtic have only won two in a row? Everyone knows, and that includes the fans of Sevco that King is trying to sell season tickets and out of date football jersey’s, has this guy got a monopoly on Stupidity? Does he think sane people buy into his rhetoric? I hate to use the analogy, but it’s a bit like Adolf in the thirties Germany.

Let’s also be clear about something else, whether Celtic have won six in a row or two in a row, it’s either six or two more than Sevco have won, because in the real world Rangers Oldco DIED in 2012, they were not removed from the SPL, the ceased to exist, and you can’t remove something that doesn’t exist in the first place.

I haven’t said too much about titles in the past, but I’m saying this quite clearly now, and I’m appealing to all the other football supporters in Scotland to back this. If the Supreme Court finds in Favour of HMRC in regards to DOC/EBT then all trophies won by Oldco in that era must be STRIPPED, that is a demand that must be sent to Regan and Doncaster, and it must be a message sent by all the clubs who traded honestly in that period, starting with Celtic Football Club.

Maybe what the Glib and Shameless Liar should be telling his fans is the truth for once. He should tell them for instance when he flies in from South Africa he passes over the best stadium in Glasgow. At the front of that stadium is the statue built by the Supporters in honour of our founder Brother Walfrid, who founded the club for the benefit of the poor.

Next to Brother Walfrid is a statue to Jock Stein the Greatest Manager in Scottish Football History, the man who the other great managers in Europe respected and copied. Alongside Big Jock is a statue to the Greatest Player in Scottish Football History the unforgettable Jimmy Johnstone, Jimmy would have walked into any team in the World.

And when Dodgy Dave looked down a bit from those three Hero’s he would see the statue to the Greatest Captain in Scottish Football History Big Billy Cesar McNeill holding up the European Cup, the Cup that Killed Oldco off, no matter how much money they spent and how many times they cheated, they still couldn’t win it, and never will.

Can Dodgy Dave tell his fans why Celtic have 130 years of proud Unbroken History? Can he tell them why we have a better Board of Honest Directors? Can he tell them why we have a better Manager with better Players? How we have more season ticket holders enjoying better facilities envied by the rest of Britain and most of Europe? Can he explain why we will have three brand new strips out while they clamber to buy ones that are two years old for top prices? Can he explain to them why our Club is respected and lauded in Europe by players like Xavi, Messi, and Ronaldo, while they are praised by Nacho Novo?

King had the audacity to call Craig Whyte a crook after a Jury found him Not Guilty, this is a man who paid a fine of over £40,000,000 rather than go to prison for a very long time, why was he allowed anywhere near a Scottish Football Team? He was part of the Board of Directors along with Moonbeams Murray who were the causes of Oldco’s demise. He seems to be heading in the same direction again.

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