Only the Official's can stop us now.

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Joe O'Rourke
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Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:13 pm

Only the Official's can stop us now.

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Mon Dec 12, 2016 11:57 am

I had to laugh at Barrie McKay’s comments about Sevco not giving up on the race for the title, I would advise him to get himself to the nearest Bookmaker, and place every penny he can muster on Sevco winning the league, I’m sure he would get very favourable odds. In simple terms, if you place £1,000 on Sevco to win the league title, you win absolutely nothing, but at least you give the staff in the Bookies a laugh.

But when you look back in history, Ronny Deila was nailed on to win the Treble in his first season until six blind SFA officials got involved, the result, no treble, and no place in Celtic’s long unbroken history for Ronny, so maybe McKay had did his homework.

I actually watched the highlights of the Sevco v Hearts match last night on Sportscene, there were a few contentious decisions, that’s why I watched it, although I already knew what side would be the beneficiary of those decisions, and I was bang on.

John Beaton was true to form, I never bought the assertion that he was a top class referee, he, like most of the others are what is known in the business as real Sevco men, it used to Rangers but they ceased to exist four years ago.

Hearts got a perfectly good goal disallowed, the pundits on the telly blamed the linesman, let’s not kid ourselves all the officials are connected by radio, it is too easy for them to make it look like it was a lino that made the decision, that very rarely happens.

Then Jamie Walker got booked for diving when he was quite clearly fouled by Holt, the bold Beaton was about five yards away with a perfect view, it was a shocking decision, which was exactly what the pundits called it as well.

We had our own episode on Friday night at Firhill, the Thistle goal was clearly offside, but Thomson and his brothers on the line managed to miss that, as I’ve said many times, Thomson is a serial cheat when it comes to Celtic, or is he just a hopeless referee? I think the supporters and officials of Besiktas think he is hopeless. I actually think he is both hopeless and a cheat.

It’s hard to believe we have only played five out of fourteen of our games at Celtic Park, I’m glad we are redressing that with a run of three home games in a row. The way things are going we could be twenty points or more ahead before the New Year, there are a few targets to aim for this season, and a few records could be set.

We are out of European football, and I wish we weren’t, but it gives the players more time between games now, and that can only be a benefit to the team. We are three games behind some teams in the league, so they need to be caught up, and with a three week winter break we will have a few midweek games, but that is no hardship, watching the Famous Glasgow Celtic is an absolute pleasure just now, and long may that continue.

We have six more matches before the end of the year, every one of them winnable. I trust Brendan 100% to keep the pressure on the players to keep up the very high standard they have achieved this season. I don’t normally like to look too far ahead, I don’t like the “Here we go Ten in a Row” song for that reason, wait to we do nine then start singing. But I firmly believe we are watching something really special at Celtic, it’s like when Big Jock arrived, and Martin O’Neill, let’s hope the Treble is achieved, the only thing that could stop us would be the match officials.

129 Years of Proud Unbroken History, and a lot more to come.

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