Monday morning's are much brighter now. Thanks Brendan

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Joe O'Rourke
Posts: 295
Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:13 pm

Monday morning's are much brighter now. Thanks Brendan

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Mon Nov 07, 2016 11:52 am

Monday mornings used bring dread to a lot of us, mostly because it was back to the grind after a weekend off work. But now we Celtic supporters look forward to Monday mornings, because now the anti-Celtic Scottish media need to report on another victory for Glasgow Celtic the Scottish Champions.

It has been a fantastic start to the season domestically, and we are showing improvement in the Champions League as well, it’s not hard to understand why there has been a turnaround in the fortunes of the team, basically it’s simply down to the Brendan Rodgers factor.

Even when Brendan has changed the team around and brought in players who haven’t been playing, we have still managed to play very well and get a victory, a virtually reserve team went up to Ross County and won. The only slight blemish of course was at Inverness in a game we should have won comfortably.

On Saturday the performance by Inverness was as expected, Richie Foran in his playing days wasn’t shy when making tackles, he obviously instilled that philosophy into his players before the game, although that seems to be the way they have always played against us.

I thought that once again Crawford Allan was less than impartial, there were some very nasty challenges that went unpunished, we have come to expect that kind of officiating from Allan over the years, but we shouldn’t accept it, we should be highlighting it at every opportunity, and especially when we win the match.

Hopefully the injury sustained by Mikael Lustig isn’t serious, if there is an area in the team where we are a wee bit short of cover it’s probably at full back, and with KT out we need big Mikael, it’s worth saying that he appears to be back to his best just now, I suppose we could say that about a few players.

Another big success on Saturday was the collection for the Foodbank’s, once again I want to congratulate the Green Brigade for continuing the organisation of the collection, it was absolutely fantastic. Credit as well to Celtic who through the Foundation pay the salary of a full time co-ordinator for the Foodbank’s.

It was great to see the mostly young Celtic supporters giving up their time and energy to manage the collection, it’s a pity their efforts are not recognised by the SNP Government, they would prefer to demonise these young supporters rather than praise them, but then again, the people that matter, those who receive the food know who to be grateful to. Take a bow Bhoys and Ghirls of the Green Brigade, you have done yourselves and our great club proud. Well done as well to all those who donated.

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