Disappointed; but how do we react is the question?

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Joe O'Rourke
Posts: 282
Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:13 pm

Disappointed; but how do we react is the question?

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Wed Aug 26, 2015 1:20 pm

Once again as in recent years we have failed to land a place in the Champions League; to say i am disappointed would be an understatement. Last Wednesday night when we lost the second goal right on time-up i was really down; but by Thursday morning i had perked up and was confident we would go through; how wrong i was !!!!

Last night was at times embarrassing, we looked like a team with no fight in it, a total lack of conviction; we were bullied by a team of inferior players. And having said that; what is worse is; that was almost our first pick team; which will surely be weakened by the departure of Big Virgil.

I had hoped we had enough in us to triumph in the match; Celtic Park was built for Champions League nights, there is no better atmosphere at any stadium in Europe; and having said that; i would commend the Malmo fans for the atmosphere they created last night.

So where do we go from here? I am certainly not a fan of the Europa League; more Sunday matches; added to the debacle which is a Thursday night of football; we don’t even know if we will kick off at 6pm or 8pm; and the crowds will certainly drop off.

At first my thoughts were to do what a lot of the so-called bigger teams do; and that is to play fringe players so as to concentrate on winning the domestic league; and hopefully the two cups as well.

But i had second thoughts on that; the young players we have will only get better playing against better opposition; and that should be provided by some of the teams in the Europa League; so i believe we should give it our best shot to progress as far as possible; hopefully right to the final.

I have said for a few years now that we need to streamline our squad; there are players at Celtic who have little or no chance of playing in the first team; so why do we continue to pay them? I understand they have contracts; but can we terminate some of them by mutual agreement? I would hope so; because we will need to strengthen in the next few days.
What we must not do is take our eye of the ball in Scotland; we need to win the League; we must have another chance next season of achieving our goal of Champions League Football. We will face a stronger challenge this season with the resurgence of Hearts; and the continued threat from Aberdeen.

Our fate won’t be made any easier by playing catch-up on a Sunday afternoon. We will have the opportunity in the next few weeks to put a marker down when we play Aberdeen at Pittodrie and Hearts at Celtic park.

We will certainly need the backing of the Celtic Support. If we stick together we have the chance to be successful. Let’s do it Celtic.

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Joined: Wed Feb 01, 2012 8:42 pm

Re: Disappointed; but how do we react is the question?

Postby Kiwibhoy » Fri Aug 28, 2015 3:37 pm

Any views on the draw? One comment on the [I:4170df61]Scotsman[/I:4170df61] report of this was that it wasn't the other teams which worried him - it was the price of a beer in Molde!


Re: Disappointed; but how do we react is the question?

Postby Guest » Wed Sep 16, 2015 2:39 pm

Looks to me like we have taken our eyes off the ball at home we haven't strengthened enough were playing catch up already after pittodridie debacle this celtic team I'm sure will still win but only due to lack of real competition over a full season but if we struggle at home or were humbled in Europa I believe this group have had they're best days and a new approach is required one striker up front at Pittodrie commons no where to be seen it's cause for concern sort it out bhoys HH!

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