Ogilvie breaks cover at last, and reverts to type.

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Joe O'Rourke
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Ogilvie breaks cover at last, and reverts to type.

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Mon Nov 25, 2013 1:00 pm

So Campbell Ogilvie has broken cover at last, he came out of the darkened room he’d been hiding in since his beloved Rangers went into administration, and finally liquidation.

And what did he do when he eventually had something to say? He implicated Celtic CEO Peter Lawwell in a situation created by Rangers FC, and dismissed by Vincent Lunny as having no case to answer.

Peter Lawwell made a throwaway comment to a Celtic shareholder at the Celtic AGM, some people associated with Rangers took offence to that and submitted a written complaint.

How on earth does Ogilvie reckon that Peter Lawwell or Celtic FC was wasting the time of the Compliance Officer? The furore was stirred up by hacks like Keevins and Waddell, and obviously Rangers and their sensitive fans.

Over the last few years Ogilvie had much to comment about and stayed silent. Like him being part of the Employment Benefit Trust scheme used by his previous employers to avoid the paying of income tax.

Or worse still, his previous employer’s sectarian employment policy, which was only abandoned by the threat of an investigation by UEFA into it, and in some part to the determination of Graeme Souness to have a winning team, with no selection barriers holding them back.

Ogilvie spent almost thirty years at Rangers, firstly as their General Secretary, and then as a Director, during his tenure, the sectarian signing policy, and tax avoidance scheme were applied with his full knowledge.

Comically, he was Treasurer of the SFA while his own club was operating a scheme which was kept a secret from others, in particular the taxman. In everyone’s eyes but their own, Rangers cheated the rest of Scottish Football on the pitch, and cheated the rest of the country off the pitch.

Ogilvie left Rangers in September 2005; he took up a new position at Heart of Midlothian FC two months later. Funnily enough Hearts had been taken over some months earlier by another squeaky clean businessman Vladimir Romanov, I wonder what the bold Vladimir seen in his new employee to make him offer him a job at Hearts.

When it comes down to honesty and integrity, I will take Celtic Football Club over Rangers FC every day of the week, when it comes down to personal honesty and integrity, I will take Peter Lawwell over Campbell Ogilvie every day of the week.

Perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised by the anti-Celtic comments that come regularly from SFA Presidents, after all Ogilvie's predecessor George Peat made nasty comments almost on a weekly basis, some of them were kept quiet by the media because of their despicable contents.

I have said here before, if the SFA and SPL had acted honestly and decisively we would be in a better position now. There have been plenty of actions that needed to be investigated but weren’t, not least of all the pay-off to David Longmuir, sanctioned by Jim Ballantyne.

I have a job for Ogilvie since he seems to be at a loose end. Why doesn’t he pursue Rangers FC for the £250,000 they were fined for cheating? Or better still, why doesn’t he pursue Rangers for all the debts owed to ordinary everyday businesses? Let’s see how much energy and time he puts into that task.

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Re: Ogilvie breaks cover at last, and reverts to type.

Postby gert/canada » Tue Nov 26, 2013 2:00 am

was Longmuir paid that bonus, sanctioned by Ballantyne ? If so an immediate investigation is required. These brotherhood members have been paying themselves grandiose amounts for decades compared to the average worker. Even though the game they are being paid to promote and run is collapsing round about them, Celtic being the exception.
Cheating crooked bigots the lot of them. About time big Pedro get's in about them and shows them up for what they are.

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Re: Ogilvie breaks cover at last, and reverts to type.

Postby Kiwibhoy » Wed Nov 27, 2013 11:44 am


Now - much more to the point - minus two strikers, have 'lessons been learnt' for next season?

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Re: Ogilvie breaks cover at last, and reverts to type.

Postby Kiwibhoy » Wed Nov 27, 2013 6:06 pm

Or this: [URL:4457d8bb]http://www.scotsman.com/news/scotland/top-stories/celtic-v-milan-laser-allegedly-shone-at-goalkeeper-1-3210513[/URL:4457d8bb]

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Re: Ogilvie breaks cover at last, and reverts to type.

Postby Kiwibhoy » Sun Dec 08, 2013 5:23 pm

Or this: http://www.scotsman.com/news/tom-english-the-damage-done-at-fir-park-1-3224571

Lots of Scottish football teams suffer from dumb fan syndrome, why does Celtic have to as well?

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