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Does Regan think singing songs is more offensive than owing millions?

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 1:53 pm
by Joe O'Rourke
Stewart Regan really needs to look for another job, because he is clearly out of his depth trying to run the SFA. His performance in the last 12 to 18 months would have got him relegated if he was awarded points for success.

His latest crusade is to take serious action against clubs when supporters act in a racist or sectarian manner, considering Strathclyde’s finest are having difficulty doing just that, he would be well advised to stay well clear of that subject.

I would have thought Mr Regan would have had bigger fish to fry than the everyday ordinary football supporter, there are several clubs in Scotland facing severe financial pressure, I think Regan should be spending his time trying to help them out of their difficulties.

I have to ask this question, does Mr Regan think it is more important to stop young fans singing songs about their history and heritage? Than to stop football clubs running up debts in at least one case of over 100 million pounds.

As we all know Rangers went into liquidation owing that amount of money, they owe the tax man over 90 million, and they owe almost 300 creditors another 40 million, and if it had been left to Regan they would have got little if any punishment at all.

Regan must be a laughing stock throughout European Football; he has presided over the shambles that is Scottish Football for too long now. I honestly believe he came into Scottish Football with good intentions, but he has not been big enough to stand up to the brethren that control the game in Scotland, so it’s time for him to go.

It has been proved since the introduction of the Offensive Behaviour at Football Scotland Bill, that there are too many people who are not directly involved in a certain situations being able to influence those situations.

The majority of people who have been arrested for singing at Celtic away matches appear to be offending only the Police and some people watching on TV or the internet, that’s why most of the cases have been thrown out of court.

I think if Regan wants to continue in Scottish Football he needs to get his priorities right, he needs to be looking at how he can bring more investment into the game, he needs to be looking at capping prices to entice more fans through the turnstiles, and most importantly, he needs to deal with clubs who are clearly spending money they don’t have, and therefore Cheating.

Re: Does Regan think singing songs is more offensive than owing millions?

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 2:46 pm
by Guest
Joe. Get over it! Scottish football has a problem with insularity and in the case of us and RFC a bigotry which is outdated. I live in England now but come up for a lot of games. You and some other Cfc fans neef to lose the chip on your shoulders. That's why we will never be welcome in England. They don't understand the bigotry as the whole world had moved on...apart from the west of Scotland. You are holding us back.

Stewart Regan really needs to look for another job, because he is clearly out of his depth trying to run the SFA. His performance in the last 12 to 18 months would have got him relegated if he was awarded points for success.

His latest crusade is to take serious action against clubs when supporters act in a racist or sectarian manner, considering Strathclyde’s finest are having difficulty doing just that, he would be well advised to stay well clear of that subject.

I would have thought Mr Regan would have had bigger fish to fry than the everyday ordinary football supporter, there are several clubs in Scotland facing severe financial pressure, I think Regan should be spending his time trying to help them out of their difficulties.

I have to ask this question, does Mr Regan think it is more important to stop young fans singing songs about their history and heritage? Than to stop football clubs running up debts in at least one case of over 100 million pounds.

As we all know Rangers went into liquidation owing that amount of money, they owe the tax man over 90 million, and they owe almost 300 creditors another 40 million, and if it had been left to Regan they would have got little if any punishment at all.

Regan must be a laughing stock throughout European Football; he has presided over the shambles that is Scottish Football for too long now. I honestly believe he came into Scottish Football with good intentions, but he has not been big enough to stand up to the brethren that control the game in Scotland, so it’s time for him to go.

It has been proved since the introduction of the Offensive Behaviour at Football Scotland Bill, that there are too many people who are not directly involved in a certain situations being able to influence those situations.

The majority of people who have been arrested for singing at Celtic away matches appear to be offending only the Police and some people watching on TV or the internet, that’s why most of the cases have been thrown out of court.

I think if Regan wants to continue in Scottish Football he needs to get his priorities right, he needs to be looking at how he can bring more investment into the game, he needs to be looking at capping prices to entice more fans through the turnstiles, and most importantly, he needs to deal with clubs who are clearly spending money they don’t have, and therefore Cheating.

Re: Does Regan think singing songs is more offensive than owing millions?

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 1:42 am
by gert/canada
Both barrel's Joe don't hold back. He's probably a " square to the man" brethern himself or he would have never got the job. Corrupt to the core the lot of them.

Re: Does Regan think singing songs is more offensive than owing millions?

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 2:32 pm
by Kiwibhoy

That's Swinecastle in trouble as well.

Re: Does Regan think singing songs is more offensive than owing millions?

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 9:42 pm
by gert/canada
Another thing , the license that they got to play in the champions league when the SFA new they had tax debts unpaid . When is that going to be discussed. This potentially cost Celtic millions of pounds . Has Dermot Desmond got that much money he's willing to let that slide.
If we pursued these blatant rule breaches with UEFA then the Sevco as we know them could be gone forever.