If there was a Champions League for Charity, The Celtic Supporters would win it.

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Joe O'Rourke
Posts: 295
Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:13 pm

If there was a Champions League for Charity, The Celtic Supporters would win it.

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Mon Aug 27, 2012 10:23 am

[COLOR=#000000:b7650ff3]If there was a Champions League for supporters who raise money for charity and worthy causes, then the Celtic Supporters would win it every year without challenge.
[COLOR=#000000:b7650ff3]Since our very inception in late eighties through Brother Walfrid’s poor dinner tables, to the most recent ones of The Thai Tims and The Bring Martin Home Appeal, the Celtic Supporters continue to rise to the occasion.
[COLOR=#000000:b7650ff3]The focus is now on little Oscar Knox, there are a number of events coming up which we would like you all to support where ever possible, there is an opportunity to actually take part personally if you want to do a bit of cycling, or if you’re a champion at holding a bucket.[COLOR=#000000:b7650ff3]‘Wee Oscar 4 Life'
[COLOR=#000000:b7650ff3]Over the next few months, with the full support and endorsement of Wee Oscar’s Knox's family, 'Wee Oscar 4 Life' will be holding a number of events where we will all be able to come together to raise money that will go to helping provide Wee Oscar the immunotherapy treatment he desperately needs to help his young body fight of further attacks of Neuroblastoma (an aggressive form of childhood cancer). Events organised are:
[COLOR=#000000:b7650ff3]Wee Oscar 4 Life Bucket Collection 22nd of September (Dundee game).
[COLOR=#000000:b7650ff3]- We are currently recruiting volunteer bucket collectors for this event. If you'd like to volunteer please email the address at bottom of page putting the word 'Bucket' in Subject.
[COLOR=#000000:b7650ff3]- We would also kindly ask if possible for all member clubs to collect donations on the day and place the donations in one of our bucket collectors buckets on the day.[COLOR=#000000:b7650ff3]Wee Oscar 4 Life Celtic Quiz Night. Date to be confirmed.[COLOR=#000000:b7650ff3]Wee Oscar 4 Life Race & Auction night to be held in the Kerrydale Suit at Celtic Park on 17th of November. [COLOR=#000000:b7650ff3]We are also planning a cycle from Glasgow to Belfast for St Patrick’s weekend in March 2013 and will be looking for cyclists to take part in this event to raise funds for the Wee Oscar 4 Life appeal. If you are not from Glasgow there is no reason to stop you organising/participating in a cycle (or maybe even a run or walk) from your local town to Belfast on the same weekend.
[COLOR=#000000:b7650ff3]For further information on any of the events please send an email to [EMAIL="weeoscar4life@gmail.com"]weeoscar4life@gmail.com[/EMAIL:b7650ff3] entering either 'Bucket', 'Quiz', Race Night' or 'Cycle' as the subject of your email.
[COLOR=#000000:b7650ff3]Around £80,000.00 pounds has already been donated to the Wee Oscar Appeal and we hope that the ‘Wee Oscar 4 Life’ events detailed above will take Wee Oscar closer to the target of £250,000.00 the family require to raise.[COLOR=#000000:b7650ff3]As ever our thoughts and prayers are with Wee Oscar Knox, his Dad Stephen (CQN’s very own Knoxy2000), his Mum Leona and Wee Oscar’s sister and best friend Izzie.[COLOR=#000000:b7650ff3]We welcome your continued support and look forward to seeing you over the coming months.[COLOR=#000000:b7650ff3]WeeOscar4Life Campaign Team[COLOR=#000000:b7650ff3]Email – [EMAIL="weeoscar4life@gmail.com"]weeoscar4life@gmail.com[/EMAIL:b7650ff3][COLOR=#000000:b7650ff3]Twitter – @weeoscar4life[COLOR=#000000:b7650ff3]---------------------------

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