Association Branches vote for selective Boycott.

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Joe O'Rourke
Posts: 282
Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:13 pm

Association Branches vote for selective Boycott.

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Mon Jun 25, 2012 1:28 pm

[COLOR=#000000:67f1d2f3]Yesterday’s Emergency Meeting of the Celtic Supporters Association voted overwhelmingly in favour of a selective boycott of any club which votes for a Newco club to be admitted directly into the SPL.
[COLOR=#000000:67f1d2f3]I want to make it very clear that this decision is a nuclear option for us, most of the people present have been following Celtic all of their lives, so a boycott is not something which we take lightly.
[COLOR=#000000:67f1d2f3]The ideal solution for us would be a 12-0 vote against a Newco; I know that would mean Oldco voting against themselves, but with what has been happening up until now I wouldn’t rule that out, farce just doesn’t cover it.
[COLOR=#000000:67f1d2f3]It looks more likely that one or maybe two clubs will vote for a Newco, well they will leave us with no alternative but to boycott them in the coming season, and we hope that that decision will be supported by the majority of Celtic supporters.
[COLOR=#000000:67f1d2f3]The meeting yesterday was conducted in the proper fashion; everyone present had the opportunity to voice their opinion, as I have already said, the decision was very important, and needed to be debated at length.
[COLOR=#000000:67f1d2f3]Our decision already has the 100% support of The Celtic Trust, The Green Brigade, and the North American Federation of Celtic Supporters Clubs; I will be contacting The Affiliation of Registered Celtic Supporters Clubs and The Association of Irish Celtic Supporters Clubs sometime today.
[COLOR=#000000:67f1d2f3]We will also look to gain the support of independent Celtic supporters, who don’t belong to any of the main groups, their support is imperative to any boycott being successful, we will look into how that process can be best achieved.
[COLOR=#000000:67f1d2f3]I want to stress here that the action we are taking is not being done in a vengeful manner; we sincerely hope that there is no need to have the boycott because of the Newco situation; we hope that chairmen and CEO's see that sporting integrity must take precedence over commercial interests.[/COLOR:67f1d2f3]
[COLOR=#000000:67f1d2f3]We also had a discussion yesterday on the possible move to change the voting system with regard to financial affairs in the SPL. The Association will not sit back and watch our club be weakened because of the demise of another club.
[COLOR=#000000:67f1d2f3]If there is to be change, then it needs to done in a normal business manner, we as Celtic supporters already contribute more the any other set of supporters, we probably take more supporters to one away match than the total number of visiting supporters to Celtic park in a whole season.
[COLOR=#000000:67f1d2f3]We sincerely hope that this situation will be resolved amicably on July 4th, I would implore all the supporters to get behind your team, we must all look to come out of this whole sorry mess stronger than we went into it.

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Re: Association Branches vote for selective Boycott.

Postby pensionerbhoy » Mon Jun 25, 2012 1:45 pm

Hi Joe. I read a lot of criticism about your decision. I think a lot of people have not given due consideration to what was voted for. There is a difference between preparing for battle and taking part in the war. If Britain had done so in '39 WWII might not have gone on so long. Some of the Celtic support need to think deeply on this and interpret your actions correctly. Personally, I can not see any other significant warning that can be given to the Scottish footballing authorities and club chairmen than that of financial impact. It seems to me that hourly the groundswell of support from fans throughout all the Scottish leagues for such an approach becomes more evident. The time for action may soon be upon us. If we are not prepared then our warnings, like those of Mr. Chamberlain, will be the useless as a 'paper' tiger. You have my support.


Joe O'Rourke
Posts: 282
Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:13 pm

Re: Association Branches vote for selective Boycott.

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Tue Jun 26, 2012 8:39 am

As you say my friend, every time you take a sword from its scabbard, you don't have to stab someone with it, as stated in the article, we will be delighted if no club votes for a Newco.


Re: Association Branches vote for selective Boycott.

Postby Guest » Tue Jun 26, 2012 10:05 am

Playing Devils advocate for a minute,what is the situation if our board back the Newco?

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