Easy solution for the Drovers Inn, change the name to the Rangers Inn.

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Joe O'Rourke
Posts: 282
Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:13 pm

Easy solution for the Drovers Inn, change the name to the Rangers Inn.

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Wed Jun 06, 2012 12:53 pm

[COLOR=#000000:223f1c2c]I read with interest today (excuse the pun) that one of Scotland’s oldest and most popular pubs may have to close its doors. The Drovers Inn near Loch Lomond, which is reported to be very popular with several film stars, including Gerard Butler, is being pursued by HMRC for tax debts.
[COLOR=#000000:223f1c2c]Apparently the owner of the establishment Ernest Strang has debts of £185, 459, and has assets of £253,235, HMRC have launched legal action at Glasgow Sheriff Court asking for the pub to be wound up and placed in liquidation.
[COLOR=#000000:223f1c2c]Maybe an easy solution for Mr Strang would be to change the name of his establishment to the Rangers Inn, since it seems that all the people in positions of power in Scotland want Rangers in, as opposed to out, that should at least buy him some time. After all, It has been widely reported that Rangers have debt's which could top £140 million, and they are still operating.
[COLOR=#000000:223f1c2c]It seems to me that Rangers FC are being afforded much more lee-way than ordinary everyday businesses, businesses like Garages and Joiners Shops, Clothing Retailers, and of course Pubs.
[COLOR=#000000:223f1c2c]There are strong forces at work here, people who have huge influence in what happens within everyday life of Scottish Business, they seem to be dealing less than fair and evenly with all those facing financial problems.

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Re: Easy solution for the Drovers Inn, change the name to the Rangers Inn.

Postby pensionerbhoy » Wed Jun 06, 2012 3:04 pm

Only in Sc......Joe! Mind, what are called 'business ethics', if they existed, would stink anywhere. That WAS my experience anyway when I was involved.


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