The kilmarnock chairman better be prepared for an empty stadium.

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Joe O'Rourke
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The kilmarnock chairman better be prepared for an empty stadium.

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Sat May 05, 2012 3:37 pm

So Kilmarnock chairman Michael Johnson thinks that Rangers being kept in the SPL is more important than sporting integrity, well he better be prepared for doing without the Celtic support, because I'm certain the Celtic support will bhoycott Rugby Park next season.
Johnson has been the driving force behind the gang of ten’s new proposals for changing the rules in the SPL, I'm not surprised he backs a Rangers Newco getting an easy ride back into the SPL, and he won’t be alone, there will be a few chairmen thinking the same way.
I have written to Neil Doncaster regarding comments attributed to him, i have also made him aware that we would have a problem supporting a league that doesn’t uphold sporting integrity, i am almost certain that if a Rangers Newco is not treated appropriately, the Celtic support will take the appropriate action.

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Re: The kilmarnock chairman better be prepared for an empty stadium.

Postby offshorebhoy » Sat May 05, 2012 4:06 pm

Could'nt agree more a miss alot of games home and away through my job but when i'm home a never miss a game but we realy need to start paying these scum bags back for bending the rules to suit the buns. Bhoycott's should be at kilmarnock,murderwell and swinecastle just for starters but if they all vote to give them an easy ride then bhoycott the lot but i'm sure dundee utd and aberdeen won't vote for them. Hail Hail

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Re: The kilmarnock chairman better be prepared for an empty stadium.

Postby hen1rik » Sat May 05, 2012 4:19 pm

Joe good to see you back.

Great article Joe, I feel now is the time Joe from us to hurt them amd no more talk it needs action.


Re: The kilmarnock chairman better be prepared for an empty stadium.

Postby Guest » Sat May 05, 2012 4:30 pm

Couldn't agree more, to be honest I'm not sure if I could watch any form of Scottish Football if this happens. I've been a season ticket holder for close to 25 years and don't think I'd be comfortable to continue to put my hard earned money into a corrupt league.


Re: The kilmarnock chairman better be prepared for an empty stadium.

Postby Guest » Sat May 05, 2012 5:24 pm

I think more than the Kilmarnock chairman better get used to empty stadium.
This is not just about Celtic. Fans from every team will simply stop attending football if this level of cheating, for that is what it is, is allowed to go unpunished.
I have held a season ticket a Celtic for 20 years and I will not be back. A few of the fans around me are saying the same and this will be reflected up and down the country.
So much for 'we will not be treated any different from anyone else' quote from our former chairman or 'we don't need Rangers to survive' quotes from Peter Lawell. This is hypocrisy on a grand scale.
I think the chairmen just don't get it!


Re: The kilmarnock chairman better be prepared for an empty stadium.

Postby Guest » Sat May 05, 2012 5:44 pm

Joe. Doncaster and the other SPL Chairmen need to realise that it would be far worse to lose their own support and those of other SPL fans than it is, losing the Huns. Would it be an option to get in touch with supporter associations of other SPL clubs who have voted that they do not want the Newco Franken Huns in the SPL, to do something together? A joint statement maybe or a course of action if Newco Huns get let in?


Re: The kilmarnock chairman better be prepared for an empty stadium.

Postby Guest » Sat May 05, 2012 5:56 pm

When is our march to hampden to the SFA headquarters to let them know we won't sit back idlely while the powers that be do the utmost in the press and television to convince the rest that Rangers should not be punished accordingly and that £ is worth more than sporting integrity and fairness. If the gang of 10 can't see life without the Rangers gate then they should be prepared to balance their books without our gate. They NEED us as much the time to flex our muscle is now. When the decision is made its too late. The Rangers propangda to keep them in the Spl started weeks ago with trying to bully the othe other clubs, spl/ sfa and it's sponsers into treating them lightly. Theres been not a whimper of sorry or any accountability for what they have done all these years. Total disgrace and if it's brushed under the carpet I will never set foot in another Scottish ground again bar paradise.

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Re: The kilmarnock chairman better be prepared for an empty stadium.

Postby tyrebhoy » Sat May 05, 2012 6:41 pm

At last i;ve said for over a year we should be boycotting all these teams, think we should contemplate giving 2 yrs notice and seek pastures new, stuff this BIGOTED lot commercial interest my backside, time for our Directors to show some guts and frighting the shit out of these Parasites

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Re: The kilmarnock chairman better be prepared for an empty stadium.

Postby pensionerbhoy » Sat May 05, 2012 8:47 pm

I hope all of those that defame the game of football by voting to allow them into the SPL are prepared for the financial consequences of accommodating a mere drizzle of home supporters at their games. If only it were possible to leave the whole sorry ragtag of a crooked league behind and compete in a fair competition.



Re: The kilmarnock chairman better be prepared for an empty stadium.

Postby Guest » Sat May 05, 2012 9:04 pm

It should be made clear to all other SPL teams that they have a choice, They face losing Rangers travelling support if the do the right thing and refuse them entry or they lose Celtic supporters if they decide to allow Rangers direct entry to the SPL as a NewCo when they should start off in the 3rd division of the SFL. The choice is thiers which set of fans they lose, however the choice they make will let others see the standards of integrity in the SPL and Scotland.

If they choose Rangers and NO Integrity it confirms to the World what Celtic Supporters have been saying for years.

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