Glad to see Lenny and the Club standing up to the media.

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Joe O'Rourke
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Glad to see Lenny and the Club standing up to the media.

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Mon Mar 12, 2012 2:03 pm

[COLOR=#000000:966f47bf]I am delighted to see Neil Lennon and Celtic Football Club making a stand against some journalist within the Scottish media. These people have for years sat at the feet of Moonbeams Murray; they carried every message he wanted out; and contrary to what some of them say now; they never once questioned his methods.[COLOR=#000000:966f47bf]Hacks like Leckie and Traynor have very short memories; they say they warned of Murray’s extravagant spending; well; as the old saying goes, “Show me the money” I’m sure these guys will have a record of every story they ever wrote; so let’s see the ones that questioned or warned Murray.[COLOR=#000000:966f47bf]Then we have ex-players like Craig Burley talking about tainted trophies; if the runner-up in the 100 metres at the London Olympics is found to have been cheating; does that mean the winner has won a tainted title? That would be ridicules.[COLOR=#000000:966f47bf]We know what to expect from the like of Gough and Hateley; but big Eck; (who I always though was pretty decent); put his foot in it by saying that he won his titles fair and square; I don’t believe the EE have done anything fair and square since the very beginning of their existence.[COLOR=#000000:966f47bf]I remember the late fifties and early sixties when they were dominant in Scotland with a team full of Internationalists; but they still relied on referees favouring them every week; it was banner headlines when Celtic were awarded two penalties against them in the League Cup Final of 1964/65; big Yogi duly dispatched them behind Billy Ritchie as Celtic went on to win 2-1.[COLOR=#000000:966f47bf]When Big Jock arrived; nothing really changed in that respect; one of his famous quotes was; we’ll score that many goals that they won’t be able to chalk them all off; but we still faced anti-Celtic officials; guys like Davie Syme and Jim Mc Cluskey never gave us any decisions; unless they were so blatant they couldn’t do anything else.[COLOR=#000000:966f47bf]During all those years of cheating I don’t remember any hacks coming out and criticising the officials; except for a couple who big Jock would use to his own ends by favouring them by giving them exclusive stories.[COLOR=#000000:966f47bf]I would like every Celtic fan to contact the club by whatever means possible; to demand that clowns like Traynor and Leckie are banned from Celtic park; and if the editors of the two rags they work for don’t like it; then tell them that no-one from the rags are welcome at any establishment under the control of Celtic FC.[COLOR=#000000:966f47bf]There is a groundswell of support for taking action against the other ten teams in the league if they vote through a Newco EE without proper punishment; if we are to go down that road we no longer need the media to get the message out to our fans; we can have information on web sites within minutes of decisions being taken.[COLOR=#000000:966f47bf]I think the ten chairmen should be careful what they wish for when it comes to making decisions; there are lots of very happy Celtic fans out there; but their joy will turn to anger if they see a carve-up.

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Re: Glad to see Lenny and the Club standing up to the media.

Postby tyrebhoy » Tue Mar 13, 2012 10:04 am

Problem here Joe the dailly retard are on our sponsers board at CP

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