We will not stand by as the other 10 Chairmen do a dodgy deal with the Evil Empire.

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Joe O'Rourke
Posts: 295
Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:13 pm

We will not stand by as the other 10 Chairmen do a dodgy deal with the Evil Empire.

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Fri Mar 09, 2012 2:10 pm

[COLOR=#000000:e25aee01]The thing that confused me most when the EE went into administration was the timing of the event; I wondered why Whyte didn’t do it when they were 15 points ahead; so obviously with a 10 point deduction they would still have been top of the league.[COLOR=#000000:e25aee01]Recent events might go some way to explain it. The administrators were appointed by Whyte himself; and seem to be at least; dragging their heels; if not blatantly playing a stalling game to allow for other negotiations to take place.[COLOR=#000000:e25aee01]It is now reported that the other 10 teams in the SPL are to meet to discuss the plight of the most dishonest and obnoxious team in the history of Scottish Football; so what kind of deals will be done behind closed doors without the input of the most powerful team in the league?[COLOR=#000000:e25aee01]It is well known that Celtic along with their rivals bring more to the financial table than all the rest put together; and by quite a considerable margin; it is also well documented that the Glasgow 2 have the power of veto over the other 10 with an 11-1 vote required on some issues.[COLOR=#000000:e25aee01]If the 10 think they can use the current situation to drive through a better deal by blackmailing the EE into concessions; in return for not opposing their return to the SPL with a clean slate; then they better be prepared for doing so without the financial input of the Celtic Support. [COLOR=#000000:e25aee01]We have had many causes for Bhoycott’s in the past; we were cheated on a weekly basis by officials who claimed it was honest mistakes. We were treated with disdain by previous officials of the SFA like George Peat and Jim Farry. Our supporters have received sectarian and racist abuse at almost every ground in Scotland.[COLOR=#000000:e25aee01]Well we are not the whipping bhoys anymore; we will not be treated like second class citizens anymore; we contribute about 35% of the total financial supporter input to Professional Football in Scotland; and we will wield the power of the green pound for the benefit of our team and its supporters.[COLOR=#000000:e25aee01]If chairmen like Michael Johnston at Kilmarnock and John Yorkston at Dunfermline think they can use this situation for the benefit of their two bit teams; then they better think carefully before they act.[COLOR=#000000:e25aee01]Kilmarnock claim to be a big team; they sent back thousands of tickets for the league Cup Final next week; which are now being taken up by the only true big team in Scotland’s supporters; would they have sold more tickets if the final had been against their brethren from Govan? Probably.[COLOR=#000000:e25aee01]As for Dunfermline and their anti-Celtic chairman Yorkston; does he think he can drive through a vote for reconstruction with the support of new Rangers? Does the same go for Gilmour at St Mirren?[COLOR=#000000:e25aee01]If these chairmen; and the others in the SPL; to further their own agenda; use the present situation to allow a new Rangers to come back into the SPL without the appropriate sanctions; then they had better be ready for a backlash from the Celtic Support.[COLOR=#000000:e25aee01]This Rangers; have been cheating the rest of Scottish Football for God knows how long; probably since their inception in one way or another; they have absolutely no thoughts for anyone but themselves; they deserve to be punished; and punished strongly.[COLOR=#000000:e25aee01]We will be watching closely in the next few days and weeks; we will find out who is behind any moves to allow a smooth path for a Newco; I have already mentioned three chairmen; but I would warn them all. [COLOR=#000000:e25aee01]I believe if the Newco was forced through by the collaboration of the other 10 clubs; the Celtic support will respond with the appropriation action. We will call a public meeting of all Celtic supporters; and we will ask them to support action against those who are culpable.[COLOR=#000000:e25aee01]If they think we will stand by and watch as they slither to make decisions which are against the basic concept of fair play and integrity; then they have another think coming. I am confident that the Celtic support will react in the proper manner.


Re: We will not stand by as the other 10 Chairmen do a dodgy deal with the Evil Empir

Postby Guest » Fri Mar 09, 2012 3:25 pm

Hi Joe

have you had discussions with the board? Have you been given any hint at all what line they might follow? Have you advised them of the
expectations of the support (though I would have expected them, if they are in any way on the ball, to be well aware already) and warned themthat they too could spark a potential backlash if they acquiesce to the potentially invidious demands of the '10 angry men'?

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Re: We will not stand by as the other 10 Chairmen do a dodgy deal with the Evil Empir

Postby Stanshoops » Fri Mar 09, 2012 4:07 pm

When we were being cheated by the refs I caaled for a boycott of away games, when they were attacking our manager and not protecting him I advocated the use of the boycott. Now it seems that everyone is coming round to the fact that hitting them in the pocket by using the boycott is our biggest threat. So as you wuill not be surprised to hear I fully support a targeted and prolonged boycott of our enemise -cos that's exactly what they are.
Hail Hail


Re: We will not stand by as the other 10 Chairmen do a dodgy deal with the Evil Empir

Postby Guest » Fri Mar 09, 2012 4:22 pm

The fact is our support really WON'T stand idly by. There were many divisions in the support during previous calls for Bhoycotts, this time it's a guarantee the entire support will be behind action.
I would like to see Lawell contacting Romanov and suggesting a New Firm allegiance. He would definitely be a weak link.


Re: We will not stand by as the other 10 Chairmen do a dodgy deal with the Evil Empir

Postby Guest » Fri Mar 09, 2012 5:59 pm

Excellent, kilmarnock away early April is the first chance to flex our muscle


Re: We will not stand by as the other 10 Chairmen do a dodgy deal with the Evil Empir

Postby Guest » Sat Mar 10, 2012 12:10 am

[COLOR=#000000:7df14ff4]The thing that confused me most when the EE went into administration was the timing of the event; I wondered why Whyte didn’t do it when they were 15 points ahead; so obviously with a 10 point deduction they would still have been top of the league.[COLOR=#000000:7df14ff4]Recent events might go some way to explain it. The administrators were appointed by Whyte himself; and seem to be at least; dragging their heels; if not blatantly playing a stalling game to allow for other negotiations to take place.[COLOR=#000000:7df14ff4]It is now reported that the other 10 teams in the SPL are to meet to discuss the plight of the most dishonest and obnoxious team in the history of Scottish Football; so what kind of deals will be done behind closed doors without the input of the most powerful team in the league?[COLOR=#000000:7df14ff4]It is well known that Celtic along with their rivals bring more to the financial table than all the rest put together; and by quite a considerable margin; it is also well documented that the Glasgow 2 have the power of veto over the other 10 with an 11-1 vote required on some issues.[COLOR=#000000:7df14ff4]If the 10 think they can use the current situation to drive through a better deal by blackmailing the EE into concessions; in return for not opposing their return to the SPL with a clean slate; then they better be prepared for doing so without the financial input of the Celtic Support. [COLOR=#000000:7df14ff4]We have had many causes for Bhoycott’s in the past; we were cheated on a weekly basis by officials who claimed it was honest mistakes. We were treated with disdain by previous officials of the SFA like George Peat and Jim Farry. Our supporters have received sectarian and racist abuse at almost every ground in Scotland.[COLOR=#000000:7df14ff4]Well we are not the whipping bhoys anymore; we will not be treated like second class citizens anymore; we contribute about 35% of the total financial supporter input to Professional Football in Scotland; and we will wield the power of the green pound for the benefit of our team and its supporters.[COLOR=#000000:7df14ff4]If chairmen like Michael Johnston at Kilmarnock and John Yorkston at Dunfermline think they can use this situation for the benefit of their two bit teams; then they better think carefully before they act.[COLOR=#000000:7df14ff4]Kilmarnock claim to be a big team; they sent back thousands of tickets for the league Cup Final next week; which are now being taken up by the only true big team in Scotland’s supporters; would they have sold more tickets if the final had been against their brethren from Govan? Probably.[COLOR=#000000:7df14ff4]As for Dunfermline and their anti-Celtic chairman Yorkston; does he think he can drive through a vote for reconstruction with the support of new Rangers? Does the same go for Gilmour at St Mirren?[COLOR=#000000:7df14ff4]If these chairmen; and the others in the SPL; to further their own agenda; use the present situation to allow a new Rangers to come back into the SPL without the appropriate sanctions; then they had better be ready for a backlash from the Celtic Support.[COLOR=#000000:7df14ff4]This Rangers; have been cheating the rest of Scottish Football for God knows how long; probably since their inception in one way or another; they have absolutely no thoughts for anyone but themselves; they deserve to be punished; and punished strongly.[COLOR=#000000:7df14ff4]We will be watching closely in the next few days and weeks; we will find out who is behind any moves to allow a smooth path for a Newco; I have already mentioned three chairmen; but I would warn them all. [COLOR=#000000:7df14ff4]I believe if the Newco was forced through by the collaboration of the other 10 clubs; the Celtic support will respond with the appropriation action. We will call a public meeting of all Celtic supporters; and we will ask them to support action against those who are culpable.[COLOR=#000000:7df14ff4]If they think we will stand by and watch as they slither to make decisions which are against the basic concept of fair play and integrity; then they have another think coming. I am confident that the Celtic support will react in the proper manner.

We have the means and resource`es to entertain and produce coverage to our own support.WE are not dependent on a TV deal that others would use against us.they ARE the dependent one`s. how many times has our traveling support out numbered the opposition home support FAR to many.with investment in better production for club television and internet access we can stand alone .and watch with interest the offer sky make for spl 2012-2013

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Re: We will not stand by as the other 10 Chairmen do a dodgy deal with the Evil Empir

Postby andycol » Sat Mar 10, 2012 8:36 am

Do you know for sure what is on the agenda Joe? While I am prepared to fight tooth and nail to defend our interests I am a bit concerned that premature sabre rattling might be counter-productive. Has the CSA been in contact with other teams' supporters clubs to try and establish common ground? I don't doubt that the 10 are looking to see how their interests can best be protected in the event of a Rangers liquidation and so long as the avoidance of an appropriate sanction is not on the menu then we should try to work together. I feel we will have to recognise that some clubs are teetering on the brink of insolvency themselves and that the loss of any income will be serious. Celtic are going to have to step up and keep the Scottish game viable and if that means some financial self sacrifice then we should be prepared for this. Personally I would be happy for the club to agree a flatter distribution of pooled resources such as TV money and league sponsorship and even, as a good will gesture, to volunteer a short term break from receiving any such revenue to help the other clubs find their feet in the new environment.


Re: We will not stand by as the other 10 Chairmen do a dodgy deal with the Evil Empir

Postby Guest » Sat Mar 10, 2012 9:19 am

Do you know for sure what is on the agenda Joe? While I am prepared to fight tooth and nail to defend our interests I am a bit concerned that premature sabre rattling might be counter-productive. Has the CSA been in contact with other teams' supporters clubs to try and establish common ground? I don't doubt that the 10 are looking to see how their interests can best be protected in the event of a Rangers liquidation and so long as the avoidance of an appropriate sanction is not on the menu then we should try to work together. I feel we will have to recognise that some clubs are teetering on the brink of insolvency themselves and that the loss of any income will be serious. Celtic are going to have to step up and keep the Scottish game viable and if that means some financial self sacrifice then we should be prepared for this. Personally I would be happy for the club to agree a flatter distribution of pooled resources such as TV money and league sponsorship and even, as a good will gesture, to volunteer a short term break from receiving any such revenue to help the other clubs find their feet in the new environment.

no way these other clubs every one of them are anti celtic why should we help them out when they are always against us? move to england if not there anywhere let the rest stew in their own urine

Joe O'Rourke
Posts: 295
Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:13 pm

Re: We will not stand by as the other 10 Chairmen do a dodgy deal with the Evil Empir

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Sat Mar 10, 2012 10:32 am

You can bet a re-distribution of wealth will be on the agenda. The money is worked out from the champions down, the other clubs would want to see it distributed equally, as in 8.5% per club. At the moment all we are doing is getting the opinion of the fans; nothing would be proposed until after a decision was made by the other clubs.

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Re: We will not stand by as the other 10 Chairmen do a dodgy deal with the Evil Empir

Postby tyrebhoy » Sat Mar 10, 2012 11:34 am

Joe. I already said we should punish these clubs with boycotts. shades of 50skick the Celtic hard. they believe that they d'nt us only time would tell. I would hope that ur board will start talks about a new Atlantic League the EE would not be allowed beauseof finanical irregularities yeep pee HAIL HAIL

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