"So they now want to swap one tax evader for another.

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Joe O'Rourke
Posts: 282
Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:13 pm

"So they now want to swap one tax evader for another.

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Thu Feb 23, 2012 3:03 pm

[COLOR=#000000:08f0e6bd]You just could not make it up; I really need to stop writing about the financial plight of our rivals; but I need to write to try to stop myself laughing.[COLOR=#000000:08f0e6bd]The EE are in trouble because they operated in a manner which the taxman claims was illegal; there is also some serious questions to be answered regarding their employees contracts; amongst other things.[COLOR=#000000:08f0e6bd]So how do they plan to move on from two owners who were trading in what we could call a dodgy manner; well they want to replace the men who were evading paying tax with another man who has plenty of form in the same category.[COLOR=#000000:08f0e6bd]Dave King who is still a Rangers Director is facing something like 350 charges related to fraudulent dealings in South Africa; including tax issues; the irony of it all. So if the SFA are questioning where some people are fit and proper to control a football club; what are their thoughts on King?[COLOR=#000000:08f0e6bd]It is none of my business; but surely if your company is found guilty of trading illegally; then everyone in a position of authority in that company must be complicit; and therefore also guilty.[COLOR=#000000:08f0e6bd]And I’m not just talking about the last couple of years; there is every reason to believe the dodgy dealing has been going on since the middle to late nineties; in fact if people wanted to dig deeper I’m sure it could be traced back further than that.[COLOR=#000000:08f0e6bd]So in the great scheme of things; where does that leave SFA President Campbell Ogilvie? He was a senior Director of the EE during that very period; will he be asked to give evidence to the SFA’s so-called independent inquiry? Will he be given assurances about his future at the SFA? There is still a long way to go on that story.[COLOR=#000000:08f0e6bd]One thing I would say; as sure as a cat’s a hairy beast, we will be crowned champions pretty soon; I know Lenny has said he doesn’t care if it’s on goal difference; for once I have to disagree with him; I want to win the league by the biggest points margin in history; and most certainly by more than ten points.[COLOR=#000000:08f0e6bd]Saturday will be a difficult match for us; we know that the manager of Motherwell will be looking for the points to strengthen their push for second spot; equally we know he won’t want us to be able to win the league at Snake Mountain; the home of his heroes; the same could be said of our next match away at Aberdeen; Brown and Knox will be thinking exactly the same.[COLOR=#000000:08f0e6bd]Like the rest of the Celtic support I am really looking forward to seeing Lenny holding aloft the League Championship Trophy; if ever a manager in world football deserved to win the league; it has to be Lenny; and once again I hope to hear the brilliant song being played over the tannoy; “Something Inside So Strong” We are all Neil Lennon.

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