Now the Prime Minister gives the EE his backing, astonishing.

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Joe O'Rourke
Posts: 295
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Now the Prime Minister gives the EE his backing, astonishing.

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Thu Feb 16, 2012 2:27 pm

[COLOR=#000000:e5e0a545]I must say I’m astounded to read some of the comments from the First Minister Alex Salmond and other politicians in Scotland with regard to the furore surrounding Rangers and their financial debacle. It was even more astounding; but not surprising to hear Tory leader David Cameron giving his opinion; I wonder what his thoughts are on Portsmouth going into administration.[COLOR=#000000:e5e0a545]Salmond actually starts to talk about Celtic and their fans opinions on the subject; just exactly how Alex Salmond would know how a Celtic fan thinks bemuses me; as a supporter of the Brethren of the East; he would be the exact opposite of a Celtic fan.[COLOR=#000000:e5e0a545]If there was ever any doubt that the Evil Empire were the establishment team; then those doubts are gone now. The politicians are supported in the thoughts and desires to save the EE by all in sundry; from the actual Administrators; (who were remarkably appointed by the very person who was refusing to pay his debts); to the Glasgow City Chamber of Commerce.[COLOR=#000000:e5e0a545]You can trace the start of these financial irregularities back to the time of Sir Minty Moonbeams; but Whyte has continued to cheat and steal in his nine months in power; not only is he not paying the taxman the money he subtracted from his employees’ wages; he also didn’t pay the ticket money due to other teams.[COLOR=#000000:e5e0a545]It is claimed that Hearts, Dundee Utd and Dunfermline are due ticket money for matches already played; obviously Whyte received the money from his own supporters; so why hasn’t he paid the clubs that are owed it? I am sure they all could put it to good use. [COLOR=#000000:e5e0a545]Politicians keep telling us to keep politics out of football; well they need to do just that themselves. I would bet Salmond threw his weight behind Rangers in a pathetic vote catching exercise; well Cameron has just equalised by throwing his weight behind them in an obvious attempt to secure the Unionist vote.[COLOR=#000000:e5e0a545]While I would have sympathy with anyone under threat of losing their job; I refuse to have any sympathy for an establishment who were openly sectarian for over 100 years; and who have been cheating the rest of Scottish football for over 10 years without any show of remorse whatsoever.[COLOR=#000000:e5e0a545]There is a very simple answer to all the problems; if Rangers honour their debts; they would come out of administration immediately; we all know that is not going to happen; so what happens if they go into liquidation? Any Newco would need to ask to be readmitted to the SPL; that request should go before the 6 man SPL Board; I don’t believe there is any chance of that happening; I believe they would call an EGM and put it to a vote of all the other SPL teams; how many do you think would vote against Rangers?[COLOR=#000000:e5e0a545]I am absolutely certain a Rangers Newco would be admitted to the SPL; what we must demand is that there are rolling sanctions in place which would be appropriate to the offences committed. That is a decision that should be taken by the people who are involved in football; it should not be influenced by the pathetic vote chasing of politicians; no matter what party they represent.


Re: Now the Prime Minister gives the EE his backing, astonishing.

Postby Guest » Thu Feb 16, 2012 3:08 pm

[COLOR=#000000:dec847c8]I must say I’m astounded to read some of the comments from the First Minister Alex Salmond and other politicians in Scotland with regard to the furore surrounding Rangers and their financial debacle. It was even more astounding; but not surprising to hear Tory leader David Cameron giving his opinion; I wonder what his thoughts are on Portsmouth going into administration.[COLOR=#000000:dec847c8]Salmond actually starts to talk about Celtic and their fans opinions on the subject; just exactly how Alex Salmond would know how a Celtic fan thinks bemuses me; as a supporter of the Brethren of the East; he would be the exact opposite of a Celtic fan.[COLOR=#000000:dec847c8]If there was ever any doubt that the Evil Empire were the establishment team; then those doubts are gone now. The politicians are supported in the thoughts and desires to save the EE by all in sundry; from the actual Administrators; (who were remarkably appointed by the very person who was refusing to pay his debts); to the Glasgow City Chamber of Commerce.[COLOR=#000000:dec847c8]You can trace the start of these financial irregularities back to the time of Sir Minty Moonbeams; but Whyte has continued to cheat and steal in his nine months in power; not only is he not paying the taxman the money he subtracted from his employees’ wages; he also didn’t pay the ticket money due to other teams.[COLOR=#000000:dec847c8]It is claimed that Hearts, Dundee Utd and Dunfermline are due ticket money for matches already played; obviously Whyte received the money from his own supporters; so why hasn’t he paid the clubs that are owed it? I am sure they all could put it to good use. [COLOR=#000000:dec847c8]Politicians keep telling us to keep politics out of football; well they need to do just that themselves. I would bet Salmond threw his weight behind Rangers in a pathetic vote catching exercise; well Cameron has just equalised by throwing his weight behind them in an obvious attempt to secure the Unionist vote.[COLOR=#000000:dec847c8]While I would have sympathy with anyone under threat of losing their job; I refuse to have any sympathy for an establishment who were openly sectarian for over 100 years; and who have been cheating the rest of Scottish football for over 10 years without any show of remorse whatsoever.[COLOR=#000000:dec847c8]There is a very simple answer to all the problems; if Rangers honour their debts; they would come out of administration immediately; we all know that is not going to happen; so what happens if they go into liquidation? Any Newco would need to ask to be readmitted to the SPL; that request should go before the 6 man SPL Board; I don’t believe there is any chance of that happening; I believe they would call an EGM and put it to a vote of all the other SPL teams; how many do you think would vote against Rangers?[COLOR=#000000:dec847c8]I am absolutely certain a Rangers Newco would be admitted to the SPL; what we must demand is that there are rolling sanctions in place which would be appropriate to the offences committed. That is a decision that should be taken by the people who are involved in football; it should not be influenced by the pathetic vote chasing of politicians; no matter what party they represent.

Speaking about Rangers during a visit to Scotland, Prime Minister David Cameron told the BBC: "I want that club to survive and to thrive.

"It has an extraordinary history. It has a very special place in many people's hearts in Scotland and no-one wants to see that club disappear.

"So I hope that HMRC will work as closely as they can with the administrators to try to solve the problems, to try to resolve the issues."

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Re: Now the Prime Minister gives the EE his backing, astonishing.

Postby hen1rik » Thu Feb 16, 2012 3:23 pm

Joe I've got a better idea, if they want to bend the rules then let them.

Time for UEFA to get involved in this Joe, and I would love nothing more than Celtic to resign from this
league, it's corrupt Joe and we will never be given a fair crack of the whip.

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Re: Now the Prime Minister gives the EE his backing, astonishing.

Postby Kiwibhoy » Thu Feb 16, 2012 4:35 pm


Yes, but who'd have us? The EPL? Not a show. The Republic of Ireland league? Perhaps (and it would be a natural fit), but it probably has even less money in it than the SPL. If Rangers dies, then a lot of external TV money will die with it, and there's still no guarantee we could foot it in Europe.


Re: Now the Prime Minister gives the EE his backing, astonishing.

Postby Guest » Thu Feb 16, 2012 5:52 pm

Not wishing to pass comment either way on this issue, my club has enough on its own plate.

But for info this is what David Cameron thinks of Portsmouth's administration:

It must be something about teams who play in Blue white and red...


Re: Now the Prime Minister gives the EE his backing, astonishing.

Postby Guest » Thu Feb 16, 2012 8:34 pm

I'd quite happy to boycott the entire thing if Newco Lamegers are allowed straight into the SPL. We can survive without them and the rest of Scottish Football. Lets see if they can survive without our money.

Hail hail!

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Re: Now the Prime Minister gives the EE his backing, astonishing.

Postby gert/canada » Fri Feb 17, 2012 2:55 am

Kiwibhoy , have a squint at this web page. It's called " Wings of Scotland". Type that into your web browser and see how someone outwith the Celtic and Rankers(administration) and also vote chasing poloticians think about the situation Scottish football is in. It may suprise many.. Keevins and his cronies sould also give it a read.

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Re: Now the Prime Minister gives the EE his backing, astonishing.

Postby Kiwibhoy » Fri Feb 17, 2012 5:57 pm

Hi Gert, I can't quite find the listing (I did go looking) - cd you post the URL please? TNX

Joe O'Rourke
Posts: 295
Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:13 pm

Re: Now the Prime Minister gives the EE his backing, astonishing.

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Fri Feb 17, 2012 11:29 pm

It's actually called Wings Over Scotland, here's the link [URL:51b40dd4][/URL:51b40dd4]

Posts: 6
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Re: Now the Prime Minister gives the EE his backing, astonishing.

Postby Kiwibhoy » Fri Feb 17, 2012 11:36 pm

Joe - thank you - but I was left with the impression that he doesn't exactly care for Celtic either! Still, thought-provoking, which is a good thing.

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