"Message to Supporters Direct, the Celtic Supporters are already getting Shafted"

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Joe O'Rourke
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"Message to Supporters Direct, the Celtic Supporters are already getting Shafted"

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Mon Feb 06, 2012 12:37 pm

[COLOR=#000000:38555640]I have said this before; and I will reiterate “Supporters Direct (Scotland)” do not speak for the Celtic Supporters; once again their Chairman Alan Harris appears to be touting himself and his two bit organisation to be the voice of the Scottish Football Supporters.[COLOR=#000000:38555640]In his latest so-called survey; he claims the majority of football supporters want the TV and Sponsorship money shared out evenly between all the clubs, well you would do wouldn’t you; if you supported some club that cannot attract their own supporters.[COLOR=#000000:38555640]Celtic supporters sell out their allocation of tickets for every match in Scotland; and in most cases have more supporters present than the home team; and might I add at a higher cost than to other supporters.[COLOR=#000000:38555640]I will give you a few examples based on figures supplied by the clubs. Hibernian V Celtic; price of a ticket for a Celtic supporter £28, Hibernian V Kilmarnock; price of a ticket for a Kilmarnock supporter £22.[COLOR=#000000:38555640]Hearts V Celtic; price of a ticket for a Celtic supporter £29, Hearts V Dunfermline; price of a ticket for a Dunfermline supporter £23.[COLOR=#000000:38555640]St Mirren V Celtic; price of a ticket for a Celtic supporter £25, St Mirren V Motherwell; price of a ticket for a Motherwell supporter £20.[COLOR=#000000:38555640]Now you see where I am going here; we are already being charged more than other supporters for one simple reason; our supporters support our team no matter what the cost is; that’s an arrangement that might need to change.[COLOR=#000000:38555640]Some of the clubs claimed that the increase in ticket price is to cover extra Stewards and Police; absolute nonsense; if security cost were 10% of the cost of a ticket; you still have 90% left.[COLOR=#000000:38555640]Harris claims that the majority of supporters want a bigger League; and claims that is supported by the Chairmen of Dundee Utd, Kilmarnock, and Inverness; no surprise there then; so it’s not the fear of relegation that prompts them.[COLOR=#000000:38555640]Harris also states that the supporters want one voice to represent them; and wants represented at the SFA, SPL, and SFL in all matters; would that be him tossing his hat in the ring for that job? This self-confessed Rangers supporter might not have a team to support shortly; so where would that leave him?[COLOR=#000000:38555640]Next week when we play Inverness at Celtic Park; we will have more supporters at the match than the rest of Scottish Football put together; we represent on a weekly basis over 30% of the total supporters at football matches in Scotland.[COLOR=#000000:38555640]It is very clear that the rest of Scottish Football see us as a cash cow; they think they can charge us what they like; treat us like second class citizens; arrest us for singing songs about our heritage and culture; and we’ll just keep rolling up; well let’s just say we’ll see.[COLOR=#000000:38555640]The Scottish Media are already telling us that we need a strong Rangers; for commercial reasons if nothing else; well as Lenny says; no we don’t; what we need is honesty and integrity within Scottish Football.[COLOR=#000000:38555640]Celtic Football Club stands on its own two feet when it comes to finances; it always has and always will operate in a fair and just manner; we follow our team because of what it stands for; and indeed has stood up for; when in times of so-called crisis; the people who came to the rescue; were Celtic Supporters; that will always be the case.[COLOR=#000000:38555640]As for Supporters Direct; an amalgamation of two bit nobodies; who when asked to stand against the Criminalisation of Fans were found wanting; I might be wrong here; but I don’t remember Alan Harris or any of his cronies at the Scottish Parliament campaigning for the benefit of all football supporters in Scotland; as usual that was left to the Celtic Supporters.[COLOR=#000000:38555640]Supporters Direct represent the very people who hurl abuse at us and our players; and in particular our Manager; let’s see the type of welcome we get on Wednesday night at Tynecastle; it will be the usual poisonous reception that we always get.[COLOR=#000000:38555640]I wrote to the SFA and SPL last year with my concerns about Scottish Football; I was assured we were heading in the right direction; well I’m glad to say in the case of Celtic that assertion is correct; as for the rest; they are heading in a different direction; and I for one have no sympathy for them.


Re: "Message to Supporters Direct, the Celtic Supporters are already getting Shafted"

Postby Guest » Mon Feb 06, 2012 2:11 pm

Celtic FC has never been appreciated, we bring great support, passion and colour, and more importantly money to the scottish game, and we are treated disgracefuly by the SFA, referees and other managers, the media, directors and chairmen. The best thing that could ever happen to scottish football is the demise of the Establishment team, leaving the dodgy refs and SFA old boys scratching their @r$es.


Re: "Message to Supporters Direct, the Celtic Supporters are already getting Shafted"

Postby Guest » Mon Feb 06, 2012 5:21 pm

Agree with the main thrust of your comments Joe. As far as sharing the TV money out equally is concerned I am uneasy that the split is more top heavy to the two teams finishing first annd second than it is in any other league I have looked at so i would not die in a ditch over that one. Celtic and Rangers have always blocked any moves to change this by voting together and exercising a veto. What will be interesting will be to see how the other clubs react if Rangers go into liquidation. If they voted against the expected move to bring the new Rangers staight bak into the SPL they will have the power to change the split of TV money immediately and permanently. League reconstruction will also be a possibility without the inhibition of the TV deal distorting debate. Lets see if they can walk the walk or if the are a bunch of blowhards. While we are about it Celtic supporters should be entering aggressively into the debate by letting the other clubs know we will boycott any club who goes along with the shameful proposal to fast track the new Rangers back into the SPL.

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Re: "Message to Supporters Direct, the Celtic Supporters are already getting Shafted"

Postby hen1rik » Mon Feb 06, 2012 6:22 pm

Joe interesting stat 30%, maybe regan and co will sit up and take notice.

They keep messing us around then I'm afraid Scottish Football won't know what's hit them.

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Re: "Message to Supporters Direct, the Celtic Supporters are already getting Shafted"

Postby tyrebhoy » Tue Feb 07, 2012 2:35 pm

Joe my big problem with Scottish Football if Rankers go into admin and come out with new name,
They will not be demoted like others but the brotherhood and our own club will welcome them new name and all,
Do we forget when we had our troubles with bank, for peanuts compared with them, they were going to forclose our ground and shut us down, we got no sympathy from anybody, they said it was bad management and our own fault, they were ready to dance in streets and party, just a thought we should never forget how we got treated from media all round


Re: "Message to Supporters Direct, the Celtic Supporters are already getting Shafted"

Postby Guest » Wed Feb 08, 2012 8:50 am

Fantastic and passionate as usual Joe but........for once, I'm going to disagree.

Yes, the pricing should be looked at. Heck, it should be looked at for ALL. It's not value for money and the prices are not attractive to those on a limited budget (but we are all in this together says Cameroon).

I stopped going to certain away games, I now need to pick and chose the games that I go to. Why? It's not affordable.

On the Tv deal, it needs to be distributed evenly. It's the way forward. If a club like Bayern Munich CAN agree that Mainz -and suchlike- get the same as them - and Munich are the most arrogant, self absorbed, egotisical club and have a superiority complex that would make R*ngers and Man United weep - then we can.

I understand that these clubs have shafted us, yes (I will NEVER BE BACK AT RUGBY PARK), but sometimes for the greater good you have to give them some of your jelly beans in return for them being fairer to you.

When they go bust, this is the rip it up and start again moment.

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