"We are now under attack form the Goverment, the Judiciary, and the Police"

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Fife Bhoy
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Re: "We are now under attack form the Goverment, the Judiciary, and the Police"

Postby Fife Bhoy » Tue Nov 15, 2011 4:54 pm

Well said Joe.

The gloves are off that is for sure.

The double-standards between the way our support are treated and those down Ibrox way are there for all to see.

One wonders how the world would view a support who felt so victimised that they boycotted all away grounds and filled their own stadium for home games?

That would drag Scotland's shabby-little-secret into the spotlight's glare.

The club and the manager could never be seen to be associated with such a move but then the fans are always the ones who have to act.


Re: "We are now under attack form the Goverment, the Judiciary, and the Police"

Postby Guest » Tue Nov 15, 2011 4:58 pm

Celtic let the genie out of the bottle by running to the authorities about TBB and TFO,you reap what you sow crybabies


Re: "We are now under attack form the Goverment, the Judiciary, and the Police"

Postby Guest » Tue Nov 15, 2011 5:21 pm

Good Post again Joe. Definately a hidden agenda going on. I do believe however this is one that the fans will not win, but the board itself has to step in. Sure we can organise boycotts, that will not affect the Police or the Government only the away team we are playing.
The board need to step in and ask what we are doing wrong and why have other mob across the city have never been targeted by the police and sfa/spl, a club to steeped in bigotry which held a sectarian policy.
The silence of the board over the alleged cup final singing will not be forgotten amongst most fans, who were left to write complaints themselves to the beeb/ofcom.
Fans are dwindling away EVERY week at CP, there is no good the fans trying to fight this alone, we need the club as a forefront to tackle these bigots.
Also any help to help any Rankers newco into the league will not be forgiven, I especially with my son will walk, as well as many others.

Celtic FC is at a crossroads now, I hope the sharp suited men make the right decisions.



Re: "We are now under attack form the Goverment, the Judiciary, and the Police"

Postby Guest » Tue Nov 15, 2011 5:47 pm

[QUOTE=Joe O'Rourke;1731][COLOR=#000000:161d415c]It would appear that we are now under full scale attack from the Scottish Government, the Judiciary, and the Police, not forgetting the SPL and UEFA.
.....Yes, the entire world is against us.....And all we do is sing pro-IRA songs which the club have REPEATEDLY asked that we DON'T sing.

[COLOR=#000000:161d415c]It seem to me that the interference of Match Commander Eddie Smith is particularly sinister; it’s been said that reporting to UEFA direct is common practice; if that’s the case then show us the statistics; how many times has it happened in the past? And which team; or teams were involved?
.....Poor us! We've been reported. So let's resort to the usual "but THEY do it too -- and they're worse than us" argument. That'll certainly solve the problem.

[COLOR=#000000:161d415c]I would suggest that this is the next step by Alex Salmond in his campaign to impose on us the completely unnecessary new legislation regarding behaviour at football matches; and it would appear he is being abetted by the Lord Advocate Frank Mullholland and the Police.
.....And of course they're all out to "get" Celtic fans who sing songs the club they supposedly 'support' has REPEATEDLY requested they DON'T sing.

[COLOR=#000000:161d415c]How else would they explain the case of a 17 year old Celtic supporter getting his door kicked in at 6am on Friday morning by a van load of Strathclyde’s Finest? His heinous crime singing “Ooh ah up the RA”
....That's definitely an abuse of power, if that's the truth, and it should be investigated to find out the true details....

[COLOR=#000000:161d415c]My information is that the bhoy appeared in court yesterday afternoon; the judge was imposing the usual banning order (which in itself is a punishment before trial); but the Prosecuting Fiscal opposed that and asked that he be remanded in custody.
.....So is this actually the absolute truth, or just someone's opinion? Was there ANY other reason whatsoever, for asking for a custodial remand?....

[COLOR=#000000:161d415c]A 17 year old remanded for singing when some of the most hardened and deviant criminals in Scotland are getting out on bail; it would seem to be completely disproportionate.
.....It definitely is, IF it's the truth.

[COLOR=#000000:161d415c]I firmly believe there is far too much political interference in the policing strategy for football matches; that would appear to be the case in the Prosecuting Fiscal’s Office as well; is this brave new Scotland being twinned with China; or North Korea?
....Och, get aff yer soapbox....Comparing Scotland to Communist dictatorships is going beyond totally ridiculous.....

[COLOR=#000000:161d415c]Are we not the same support; singing the same songs; that won both the UEFA and FIFA Fair Play Awards in 2003; just what exactly has changed?
....Yes, same support -- but time moves on and standards change. For example, it used to be legal to smoke anywhere you liked, even if others objected to your second-hand smoke. And going even further back, it used to be legal to have 12-yr-old kids working in cotton mills and coalmines. Times change, and so do the rules. Pro-IRA songs are now considered unwelcome at football games, not only by the club, but by a large section of the support too, judging by the complaints received by the club after the Hearts game.

[COLOR=#000000:161d415c]I would be happy to have a debate with the Club and the other Celtic supporters groups on the issue of singing; but I’m not prepared to stand back and watch a generation of young Celtic fans be criminalised for supporting their team.
.....Absolute tripe!!! No-one's preventing them from supporting their team. They're being asked not to sing songs regarded as objectionable. But they continue to sing them and then whinge that they're being 'picked on' and criminalised for 'supporting their team'. They're professional keyboard martyrs.

[COLOR=#000000:161d415c]The Celtic fans will have to stand up and oppose these unprecedented attacks on our supporters; trying to bully us into submission will not work; that has been tried for over one hundred and twenty years; it failed then; and it will fail now.
.....So although the majority of the club's fans (and the club itself) find the songs objectionable, these professional martyrs will continue to create the problem -- and then whinge about being picked on. Right?

[COLOR=#000000:161d415c]There will be a few ways of helping which I will inform you of later in the week. The most important thing now is to try and get this young bhoy out of a prison cell; and back home where he belongs.....Right. If he's in jail simply for singing or chanting, then that's VERY wrong. But let's find out ALL of the facts before jumping to conclusions....Now what are we actually going to do about the pro-IRA songs being sung at games?

And before the keyboard kids and ultratims get started -- no, I'm not a hun. I've been a Celtic fan since Charlie Tully and Bobby Evans were pulling on the hoops....


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Postby Guest » Tue Nov 15, 2011 6:23 pm

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Re: "We are now under attack form the Goverment, the Judiciary, and the Police"

Postby offshorebhoy » Tue Nov 15, 2011 6:25 pm

It's time for all the home support to stand up and be counted get behind the team and the green brigade they are the section of support under fire every home game glasgows finest pile in and cause the trouble and now we have one who has selective hearing when it comes to what he can hear and what he can't pity he wasn't at the league cup final or maybe he was properly starting the buns in song. WE MUST STAND UNITED OR WERE FINISHED HAIL HAIL


Re: "We are now under attack form the Goverment, the Judiciary, and the Police"

Postby Guest » Tue Nov 15, 2011 10:15 pm

The Wolfe Tones On the One Road was played over the Tannoy at The Aviva (Lansdowne Road) after the match tonight. I hope the police report it to Uefa as it is so offensive and has no place in a football ground! Scotland is the most bigoted, biased wee country in the world and criminalising the victims of the institutionalised bigotry is an utter disgrace.


Re: "We are now under attack form the Goverment, the Judiciary, and the Police"

Postby Guest » Wed Nov 16, 2011 1:32 am

how is it possible that a profesional footballer can be charged for sectarian abuse and given bail yet a 17 year old celtic supporter remanded in the worst kids jail in scotland for singing a song is it because he supports celtic


Re: "We are now under attack form the Goverment, the Judiciary, and the Police"

Postby Guest » Wed Nov 16, 2011 10:29 am

this arrest is a scandal, we, the celtic support are under an unfair and choreographed scrutiny that is determined to get celtic back on the leash following the clubs hard hat approach to the ref affair and support for neil.

the green brigade need support from the rest of us or they will be picked off by the establishment and by that i include Peter Lawwell along with the celtic haters outwith the club.
this manufactured furore about the singing is a useful distraction for Lawwell who can mount his high horse and demonize one of the very few good things that has happened at celtic park during his tenure.
unfortunately there are more than a few celts that have swallowed the tabloid line over the years and equally demonize the GB.

it is clear that there is an orchestrated campaign to get the green brigade in particular and tims in general.

1. because they are unashamedly and loudly celebrating their glasgow/ irish culture and nothing winds the establishment up more than 'us' getting above our station.

2. 'they' need to keep playing the 'they are just as bad as each other' card, which of course takes the heat off 'them' and their openly sectarian anti catholic/ irish songbook.

3. the GB are just too gallus for the happy clapper pizza munchers amongst us - maybe the GB activity pricks the hand wringers conscience, reminding some people that they once had a pair too, but they cant remember the last time they saw them.

all of you out there, just remember a few seasons ago pre GB... arsenal fans mocking us with chants of "where's yr famous atmosphere?"... i'm not saying the GB are a protected species, what i am saying is that an attack on the GB is an attack on all tims and that if the GB are hounded out of celtic park then they may as well as lock the gates on their way out.

the core issue of the GB 'song book' is a bogus one used simply as a device to hurt us.

lets put this into perspective. i'm appalled at the dismantling of the 'sure start' system for poor kids, i'm sickened by the lack of criminal charges against the banks that have resulted in such pain for so many and i despise racism in all it's forms... these are things that are worth getting upset about.

to those tims that trot out the tired cliches such as ' the GB drag celtics name thru the gutter' and 'i'm disgusted at the GB' etc etc the message is simple - get a life, get out and see whats happening in the real world.
go to any number of irish bars in new york, spain or anywhere else and shout to the band on stage 'hey you's, that BOTOB song is dragging celtics name into the gutter' and you'll be laughed out the door...
the fact is that these songs that apparently have some people reaching for the smelling salts are readily available in record shops and on amazon and are sung in bars and clubs all over the world - let it be... if any of you are so sensitive that some songs ruin your day then maybe you should 'do a nevin'... and remember too, these songs are about a struggle that's over and done, the republicans/ nationalists are now part of the system, they are legal, they aren't bogeymen anymore ye know!
sure, some songs i like some i dont, but to demonize and now criminalize people, our own people, for singing them is just stupid, and worse, playing into the hands of those that wish us harm

so wise up GB haters amongst us, we'r all in this together... to paraphrase a famous quote 'first they came for the Green Brigade, and i did not say anything... ?

we need people at the top who support the 'tic and defend our support, not lackies taking the soup when we know that there is a sustained and vicious agenda that would see celtic done away with, and we need the celtic support to come together on this as well.

make no mistake, and our troubled history in scotland supports this, 'they' will do all they can to undermine and ultimately do away with celtic football club, if Lawwell and the board cannot defend us then we have to do it ourselves.

keep the faith,mon the green brigade.

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Re: "We are now under attack form the Goverment, the Judiciary, and the Police"

Postby pogues1888 » Wed Nov 16, 2011 11:26 am

this arrest is a scandal, we, the celtic support are under a sinister and choreographed scrutiny that is determined to get celtic back on the leash following the clubs hard hat approach to the ref affair and support for neil.

the green brigade need support from the rest of us or they will be picked off by the establishment and by that i include Peter Lawwell along with the celtic haters outwith the club.
this manufactured furore about the singing is a useful distraction for Lawwell who can mount his high horse and demonize one of the very few good things that has happened at celtic park during his tenure.
it is clear that there is an orchestrated campaign to get the green brigade in particular and tims in general.

1. because they are unashamedly and loudly celebrating their glasgow/ irish culture and nothing winds the establishment up more than 'us' getting above our station.

2. 'they' need to keep playing the 'they are just as bad as each other' card, which of course takes the heat off 'them' and their openly sectarian anti catholic/ irish songbook.

3. the GB are just too gallus for the happy clapper pizza munchers amongst us - maybe the GB activity pricks the hand wringers conscience, reminding some people that they once had a pair too, but they cant remember the last time they saw them.

unfortunately there are more than a few self loathing celts that have swallowed the tabloid line over the years and equally demonize the GB.

all of you out there, just remember a few seasons ago pre GB... arsenal fans mocking us with chants of "where's yr famous atmosphere?"... i'm not saying the GB are a protected species, what i am saying is that an attack on the GB is an attack on all tims and that if the GB are hounded out of celtic park then they may as well as lock the gates on their way out.

the core issue of the GB 'song book' is a bogus one used simply as a device to hurt us, through all our history we've learned to keep our heads low, to keep quiet.

lets put this into perspective. i'm appalled at the dismantling of the 'sure start' system for poor kids, i'm sickened by the lack of criminal charges against the banks that have resulted in such pain for so many and i despise racism in all it's forms... these are things that are worth getting upset about.

to those tims that trot out the tired cliches such as ' the GB drag celtics name thru the gutter' and 'i'm disgusted at the GB' etc etc the message is simple - get a life, get out and see whats happening in the real world.
go to any number of irish bars in new york, spain or anywhere else and shout to the band on stage 'hey you's, that BOTOB song is dragging celtics name into the gutter' and you'll be laughed out the door... these songs will in a very short time occupy the irish standard repertoire along with 'dirty old town' and 'fields of athenry' and then we'll be shaking our heads and wondering what all the fuss was about.
the fact is that these songs that apparently have some people reaching for the smelling salts are readily available in record shops and on amazon and are sung in bars and clubs all over the world - for gods sake let it be... if any of you are so sensitive that some songs ruin your day then maybe you should 'do a nevin'... and remember too, these songs are about a struggle that's over and done, the republicans/ nationalists are now part of the system, they are legal, they aren't bogeymen anymore ye know!
sure, some songs i like some i dont, but to demonize and now criminalize people, our own people, for singing them is just stupid, and worse, playing into the hands of those that wish us harm

so wise up GB haters amongst us, we'r all in this together... to paraphrase a famous quote 'first they came for the Green Brigade, and i did not say anything... and you know how that ends don't you ?

we need people at the top who support the 'tic and defend our support, not lackies taking the soup when we know that there is a sustained and vicious agenda that would see celtic done away with, and we need the celtic support to come together on this as well.

make no mistake, and our troubled history (know your history doubters) in scotland supports this, 'they' will do all they can to undermine and ultimately do away with celtic football club, if Lawwell and the board cannot/ will not defend us then we have to do it ourselves.

keep the faith, mon the green brigade, tims all over the world unite!

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