"More Bad News for Salmond"

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Joe O'Rourke
Posts: 295
Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:13 pm

"More Bad News for Salmond"

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Wed Nov 02, 2011 1:01 pm

[COLOR=#000000:0fd6eacd]It is really difficult to talk about football just now, I make a point of not criticising Celtic players on this web site; it’s about supporting our team; not condemning it.[COLOR=#000000:0fd6eacd]But I have to say, I wish some of our players were as committed to the cause as some of our supporters.[COLOR=#000000:0fd6eacd]The turn-out at the public demonstration in George Square on Saturday was amazing; and even more so considering the weather.[COLOR=#000000:0fd6eacd]What happened after the Demo at Celtic Park with the apparent heavy handed approach by the Police is another story, I met with Ronnie Hawthorn today about that; I intend to now meet with the Police.[COLOR=#000000:0fd6eacd]Which brings me to another point; everyone knows how the new legislation came about after the so-called “Shame Game”.[COLOR=#000000:0fd6eacd]Strathclyde’s Chief Constable Stephen House and King Alex called a summit to blame all the ills of Scottish society on football supporters.[COLOR=#000000:0fd6eacd]Now as King Alex is a self-confessed Hearts supporter; why didn’t he call a summit after their “Shame Game” at the week-end?[COLOR=#000000:0fd6eacd]I mean, Hearts had a player sent off for violent conduct, the fact that it was Ian Black will come as no surprise to anyone; he compounded his crime by offering his shirt mockingly to the fourth official before going up the tunnel.[COLOR=#000000:0fd6eacd]Hearts coach Paulo Sergio managed to get himself sent to the stand, and insisted that it should be the referee who was going to the stand.[COLOR=#000000:0fd6eacd]Follow this up with Hearts player Danny Grainger getting tried by television; and found guilty of stamping on Dean Shiels.[COLOR=#000000:0fd6eacd]King Alex would need to sit down and explain to me how we managed to get involved in this piece of political opportunism.[COLOR=#000000:0fd6eacd]I believe Salmond has backed himself into a corner with this one; his vanity won’t let him accept that he made a mistake.[COLOR=#000000:0fd6eacd]So if he won’t change course by his own accord; then we have to make him do it. All the political parties apart from the SNP oppose this new Bill.[COLOR=#000000:0fd6eacd]There is a further debate on the new legislation at Holyrood tomorrow; there are a number of speakers from the other parties who will oppose the new bill.[COLOR=#000000:0fd6eacd]All our supporters need to keep the pressure on the politicians; we must continue to fight against this attack on our freedom of speech and human rights.[COLOR=#000000:0fd6eacd]Maybe our next move will be to take the fight right to Holyrood itself and have a demonstration outside the Parliament.[COLOR=#000000:0fd6eacd]One good bit of advice to Mr Salmond; when you’re in a hole stop digging.


Re: "More Bad News for Salmond"

Postby Guest » Wed Nov 02, 2011 4:44 pm

I think salmond is going to push through the drink legislation punish the majority for the minority.
against the wishes of big business.He probably thinks punishing Celtic supporters is easy meat.
If he was after the real sectarians they have the laws already in place but somebody out there
does not like our singing, a well!!! at least we are welcome all over the world.Just not in Scotland.

Hail Hail thank you Joe..

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Joined: Tue Nov 01, 2011 5:12 pm

Re: "More Bad News for Salmond"

Postby JasCam » Wed Nov 02, 2011 8:29 pm

Joe I reckon Salmond would love a way out of this because if this law goes through it will be down to his MSP's voting it through. Labour have already indicated that they will not back this proposed bill. My feeling is that Labour will vote against it in what ever form it takes for purely political reasons.
Salmond got a landslide victory in my opinion because a lot of Labour voters in the central belt jumped ship to the SNP.
It is well known that Labours traditional vote in the central belt has a strong Catholic core. Many of these people are Celtic fans or people of Irish decent and Labour want them back.
If Salmond's party pushes this through then he can forget Independence and a second majority Government. That's the price he and his party will pay if this bill becomes law.

Hail, Hail

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