We are not going away Mr Regan.

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Joe O'Rourke
Posts: 282
Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:13 pm

We are not going away Mr Regan.

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Mon Aug 07, 2017 11:48 am

Mr Regan,
If you were in the dock at the High Court accused of a serious crime and you refused to answer questions, what do you think the Jury would deduct from that stance? Because that’s exactly what you are doing now by refusing to publically state the SFA position with regards to all the data put before Lord Nimmo Smith.

Was the Truth? The whole Truth? And nothing but the Truth? Put before LNS? There must be minutes of the meetings that took place, why are they not freely available? I am really sorry the Paul Mc Bride is no longer with us, he is the type of person who could have brought the walls of dishonesty crumbling down around you and your colleagues.

There were so many dodgy deals done with Oldco and Newco that some people should be living under one of the Queens roofs, and I don’t mean at one of her many palaces either. From Tax Evasion to European licenses, the whole mess reeks of corruption. There is an old saying, “The longer you stand in Shxt, the further it will spread”

What have you people got to fear from ordinary honest supporters who just want answers and the truth? People telling the truth don’t have problems doing so, people telling lies do. This is not going away Mr Regan, you need to face up to that reality before it’s too late, if it is not already too late.

All the other clubs in Scotland should be hanging their heads in shame as well, they are putting money and their own self-protection before honesty and integrity. If there was to be a financial shortfall for some teams because of some sort of boycott by the Rangers fans, then the SFA/SPFL should be helping out so that bullying and intimidation cannot triumph.

The Scottish Media fall into the same category, the biggest cheating scandal to hit Scottish Football is being hidden behind piles of pro-Rangers non stories driven by Jabba the Hutt. Idiots like Jackson will be out of a job soon, I was going to suggest you could give him one at the SFA, but then you could out of a job soon also.

You have colluded with David Murray, Craig Whyte, Charles Green, and now Dodgy Dave King. These people with your help have treated the rest of Scottish Football with total contempt, their arrogance has been utterly diabolical. But that’s like pixxxxg into the wind, it always comes back to you.
Joe O’Rourke,
General Secretary,
Celtic Supporters Association.

Posts: 12
Joined: Wed Jul 15, 2009 7:44 am

Re: We are not going away Mr Regan.

Postby Stanshoops » Mon Aug 07, 2017 1:46 pm

Dear Joe

Great work, just keep telling the truth and they will have to give in. It may be worth pointing out to Mr Regan that in Athletics as we have seen the governing body has eventually reached the correct decision by "stripping the title" of the drug cheat Russian Chernova and awarding the gold to Jessica Ennis Hill. It was part of their rules, and following a decision then appeal all they did was administer their own rules fairly. It only took them six years!

He and his friends have said there is no appetite for title stripping and we should all move on - but that is patently not true.

Mr Regan - just take your head out of the sand, look at how its done in a real sporting organisation and copy them - simples.

Hail Hail Stanshoops

Joe O'Rourke
Posts: 282
Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:13 pm

Re: We are not going away Mr Regan.

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Mon Aug 07, 2017 1:54 pm

Hopefully something will happen in the next few weeks. There are moves afoot to take it forward. Thanks for the support.

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