Brilliant Season from a Brilliant Team.

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Joe O'Rourke
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Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:13 pm

Brilliant Season from a Brilliant Team.

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Wed May 31, 2017 12:17 pm

What an end to a fantastic season, 60,000 Celtic Supporters, the biggest football crowd in Scotland this season come to Celtic Park, the home of The Invincibles to watch what could be termed an Old Crock’s game, although probable the Best Old Crock’s set of players ever assembled for one game.

The day before at the dump that is Hampden Park the players held their nerve to complete a Historic Unbeaten Treble, a brilliant achievement reached two days after the Fiftieth Anniversary of our Great Club’s Finest ever Achievement of winning the European Cup in Lisbon.

It was a long ten days for The Lions of Lisbon and our Supporters. It started with our very own Annual Celtic Supporters Association Rally in the Kerrydale Suite on Friday May 19th, we were very lucky indeed to have seven Lions present in, Jim Craig, John Clark, Bertie Auld, Bobby Lennox, John Fallon, Charlie Gallagher, and John Hughes. We were also honoured to have present Mary Gemmell, Kathleen Murdoch, Liz Mc Neill, Agnes Johnstone, Sadie Chalmers, and Ruth O’Neill.

On Sunday the team completed the Unbeaten League campaign, what a day at paradise that was. Wednesday was the day when the Lions were given a Civic Reception in the City Chambers. Thursday on the actual Fiftieth Anniversary we had the brilliant show at the Hydro, a show worthy of the Conquerors of Europe.

On Friday there was a lunch in the Hilton Hotel for the Lions. Then came Cup Final day, again the Lions were present with Willie Wallace and John Clark handing out the medals to the triumphant Celtic Team. We finished the ten days with the Legends Match which raised a lot of money for the Celtic Foundation.

It has been as always a great feeling to be part of the Celtic Family, we should wallow in the fact that we have again created History unaided. There were no helping hand from the officials, and we would not want any anyway, in fact it could be argued that we were hard done by once again by Bobby Madden, the elbow thrown by Stockley at Kieran Tierney was shocking and I’m sure will go unpunished. I’m sure also it won’t be the last time for that Serial Cheat.

The hacks and Jabba the Hutt in particular have been aghast at having to write about Celtic’s dominance. The papers on Sunday had no option but to acclaim the Treble winners, the same on Monday, but today is Wednesday so they are back on track trying to talk up Sevco signings, I’m sure Brendan will be trembling, or should that be Trebling?

I’m pretty sure Brendan will carry on where he left off, doing his work quietly and effectively, no boasting about having the best squad in Scotland, how could he boast about having that when the team who won absolutely nothing and finished third in the League already claimed to have the best squad?

I really love the fact that when the Celtic Supporters renew their season tickets we know that the money will be used wisely for the benefit of the team. We are also clear that all Taxes due will be paid on time, and in full. We also know that all bill’s will be settled, even the very small ones. We have qualified for the Champions league Qualifiers in the knowledge that we meet the criteria set down by UEFA, its only right that the other teams granted a place in European competition by the SFA do the same, No Creative Accounting.

I have absolutely “No Confidence” in Regan and the SFA to manage Scottish Football for all the Clubs equally. I firmly believe that Reagan is Useless, and should either resign or be thrown out, let’s wait and see. The showpiece Scottish Cup Final was a shambles, not the game itself, but the non-football part of it. Look at the half time entertainment, you would need to look very hard because there was none. Compare it with the English version, Champions league versus Amateur League would be a fair assessment.

It’s now time for a wee rest from the Fitbaw. Time to recharge the batteries for next season. Congratulation to Peter, Dermot and the Board for giving us the gift of Brendan, and huge congratulation to Brendan, his staff, and his Fantastic Invincibles for giving us such a Brilliant season. Finally a great big thank you to the Lions of Lisbon, for giving our Great Club and Supporters the Greatest Season Ever…… You’ll Never Walk Alone.

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