Was Murray scared of Dermot's wealth?

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Joe O'Rourke
Posts: 282
Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:13 pm

Was Murray scared of Dermot's wealth?

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Wed Nov 11, 2015 1:09 pm

[COLOR=#333333:bd5b7f1a]I’ve tried to stay away from the EBT scandal involving Oldco in Scottish Football, but it’s hard to ignore the comments coming from their ex-players and managers regarding the blatant cheating that took place.[/COLOR:bd5b7f1a]

[COLOR=#333333:bd5b7f1a]One of the reasons that football is deemed to be a sport is that everyone starts off equal; in football that means with eleven players on the park; they won’t all be of the same quality; but that’s part of the game.[/COLOR:bd5b7f1a]

[COLOR=#333333:bd5b7f1a]It means that eleven good players will beat eleven bad players every day of the week; but there are exceptions to that rule; especially in cup competitions. But there are things that influence football off the pitch; and money is the most influential.[/COLOR:bd5b7f1a]

[COLOR=#333333:bd5b7f1a]So in real terms the team that can spend the most money will win the most trophies; if everything else is equal; that’s why Sevco won two lower divisions; the reason they came third in a one horse race last season was because the coach was hopeless.[/COLOR:bd5b7f1a]

[COLOR=#333333:bd5b7f1a]The media have been quick to pour scorn on the suggestion that Oldco should be stripped of titles; Sportscene rolled out two ex-players and asked their opinion; what answer did they expect to get?[/COLOR:bd5b7f1a]

[COLOR=#333333:bd5b7f1a]I think the timing of the use of Tax Avoidance is crucial. Moonbeams had his catchphrase of “If Celtic put down a fiver; I’ll put down a tenner” but that was before the emergence of Dermot Desmond as the power behind Celtic.[/COLOR:bd5b7f1a]

[COLOR=#333333:bd5b7f1a]Fergus was gone and Dermot had brought in Martin O’Neill as the man to push Celtic forward. Murray was now dealing with a guy who had money to spend; and he showed in his backing of Martin that he was prepared to do just that.[/COLOR:bd5b7f1a]

[COLOR=#333333:bd5b7f1a]I believe that the titles should be forfeited if there is no further appeal. I also believe that won’t happen without a strong push form supporters of all the other teams in Scotland who were cheated.[/COLOR:bd5b7f1a]

[COLOR=#333333:bd5b7f1a]Let’s look at the basic facts. Oldco signed players on salaries that they could not afford. Would those players have signed for 50% less wages and signing on fees? Extremely doubtful.[/COLOR:bd5b7f1a]

[COLOR=#333333:bd5b7f1a]We had a situation where Oldco were playing against players on a couple of hundred pounds a week; out of that they were paying Tax and National Insurance. Oldco players were on at least ten grand a week and paying nothing at all; a level playing field; no chance !!!!.[/COLOR:bd5b7f1a]

[COLOR=#333333:bd5b7f1a]I don’t really have any confidence in the football authorities to do the honest thing and strip the titles; so they will have to be put under pressure from all the other clubs and their supporters to act.[/COLOR:bd5b7f1a]

[COLOR=#333333:bd5b7f1a]There is a lot more to come with this situation; people like Alex Thomson and Phil MacGiollabhain will be getting threats for telling the truth; it’s about time the Scottish Media had the guts to tell the truth.[/COLOR:bd5b7f1a]


Re: Was Murray scared of Dermot's wealth?

Postby Guest » Wed Nov 11, 2015 5:48 pm

The Scottish media telling the truth, what a novel idea! Do you think it will catch on.

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