Seems like the Celtic Pen is mightier than the Rangers Sword.

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Joe O'Rourke
Posts: 282
Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:13 pm

Seems like the Celtic Pen is mightier than the Rangers Sword.

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Mon Jan 26, 2015 12:15 pm

It seems that the pen is mightier than the sword in certain circumstances, the advert in yesterdays Sunday Herald explaining exactly why Rangers are a new club formed in 2012 certainly ruffled a few feathers of the blue variety.

If Oldco Legend (no laughing at the back now) Alex Rae would like to explain to me why that is not the case I’d be happy to listen; in fact change that; i wouldn’t want to listen to any nonsense coming out of that guy’s mouth.

The facts are simple. Oldco Rangers went into administration on February 14th 2012. Chuckles Green and his gang took over in May 2012. HMRC amongst other refused a CVA in June 2012. Chuckles completes the purchase of Oldco for the princely sum of £5.5 million.

They left behind a trail of debts of around £140 million to over 270 creditors; the debt will never be repaid, although they paid some football debts to allow them to trade with other clubs in the transfer market.

In normal circumstances the Oldco would have been banned by the SFA for not only failing to pay their creditors; but for also cheating all the other clubs they played against by using a Tax Avoidance scheme to attract and pay their players and staff.

I don’t know if the full truth will ever come out; i sincerely doubt it ever will. There are certainly a lot of people involved in what has went on over at Ibrox for a very long time, i believe the ones with any sense try to keep their heads down; and other can’t get enough publicity.

I really believe that the SFA/SPL could have handled the situation a whole lot better, but it was self preservation, and fear that stopped them from doing so.

I also believe as do many others that the main stream media in Scotland were for the most part complicit in everything that was going on with exception of one or two journo’s; they are still the same today.

All the talk from the media is that Celtic need Rangers, Peter Lawwell says we have a standalone policy, but admits that we lost some revenue. I am in the camp that wished we had never played them again at any level of football, i do not miss the bile that we used to get; and I’m sure we’ll get again come Sunday.

I sincerely hope that Celtic play to their capabilities on Sunday and win convincingly. I also sincerely hope that the match goes off without any trouble and that supporters from both sides get home safe on Sunday night. At the end of the day it’s a game of football.


Re: Seems like the Celtic Pen is mightier than the Rangers Sword.

Postby Guest » Mon Jan 26, 2015 7:15 pm

It seems that the pen is mightier than the sword in certain circumstances, the advert in yesterdays Sunday Herald explaining exactly why Rangers are a new club formed in 2012 certainly ruffled a few feathers of the blue variety.

If Oldco Legend (no laughing at the back now) Alex Rae would like to explain to me why that is not the case I’d be happy to listen; in fact change that; i wouldn’t want to listen to any nonsense coming out of that guy’s mouth.

The facts are simple. Oldco Rangers went into administration on February 14th 2012. Chuckles Green and his gang took over in May 2012. HMRC amongst other refused a CVA in June 2012. Chuckles completes the purchase of Oldco for the princely sum of £5.5 million.

They left behind a trail of debts of around £140 million to over 270 creditors; the debt will never be repaid, although they paid some football debts to allow them to trade with other clubs in the transfer market.

In normal circumstances the Oldco would have been banned by the SFA for not only failing to pay their creditors; but for also cheating all the other clubs they played against by using a Tax Avoidance scheme to attract and pay their players and staff.

I don’t know if the full truth will ever come out; i sincerely doubt it ever will. There are certainly a lot of people involved in what has went on over at Ibrox for a very long time, i believe the ones with any sense try to keep their heads down; and other can’t get enough publicity.

I really believe that the SFA/SPL could have handled the situation a whole lot better, but it was self preservation, and fear that stopped them from doing so.

I also believe as do many others that the main stream media in Scotland were for the most part complicit in everything that was going on with exception of one or two journo’s; they are still the same today.

All the talk from the media is that Celtic need Rangers, Peter Lawwell says we have a standalone policy, but admits that we lost some revenue. I am in the camp that wished we had never played them again at any level of football, i do not miss the bile that we used to get; and I’m sure we’ll get again come Sunday.

I sincerely hope that Celtic play to their capabilities on Sunday and win convincingly. I also sincerely hope that the match goes off without any trouble and that supporters from both sides get home safe on Sunday night. At the end of the day it’s a game of football.

The article says everything I believe in.....well done...

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