CSA members vote Kris Commons as Player of the Year in an honest vote.

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Joe O'Rourke
Posts: 282
Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:13 pm

CSA members vote Kris Commons as Player of the Year in an honest vote.

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Fri Apr 26, 2013 7:07 pm

I would like to confirm that kris Commons has been voted Player of the Year for season 2012/13 by the members of the Celtic Supporters Association, I made a point of double checking today, and I’m happy to report that Michael Higdon, Niall Mc Ginn, Andrew Shinnie, and Leigh Griffiths didn’t receive any votes whatsoever.

It is really hard to understand the thinking behind the way the votes are cast by the players of the SPL, then again, maybe it comes more from the managers than the players, if I was a betting man I would be prepared to bet that 8 of the 12 managers in the SPL were supporters of a now defunct team called Rangers, and if there was an ounce of honesty between them they would admit that.

Kris Commons will receive his award at the Annual Celtic Supporters Association Rally in the Kerrydale Suite at Celtic Park on the evening of May 17[SIZE=2:31153309]th[/SIZE:31153309]; SPFA chief executive Fraser Wishart will not be receiving an invite.

The voting in our organisation was quite tight, with a very strong challenge to Kris from Victor Wanyama, there were also votes cast for Fraser Forster, Scott Brown, and Sammi, but in the end Kris is a very worthy winner.

I have no problem with the players who were nominated, I’m sure they are the stars of their own teams, but when you think that two of them are strikers whose team finished up in the bottom six, it is quite puzzling, in fact Mc Ginn as a striker has scored the same amount of goals as Kris who plays in midfield.

So I guess I am being paranoid again, move along Timmy, nothing to see here. I sincerely hope Lenny does what he said he would do and boycotts the event along with all the players, including Victor, and I hope he carries that through to withholding co-operation with the SFA where possible.

I’m totally sick of the anti-Celtic attitude, and the sooner we find a way out of this bigoted little country the better, I could just imagine the reaction of the SFA and SPL if Celtic were to act and conduct their business in the same manner as another team in Scotland, thankfully for us our club conducts its business in a proper and honest manner.

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