We need to get out of this corrupt league we play in.

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Joe O'Rourke
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We need to get out of this corrupt league we play in.

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Thu Feb 28, 2013 2:11 pm

[COLOR=#000000:9d85b735]Celtic needs to get themselves out of this corrupt football league that we play in, if we don’t, I don’t foresee Celtic FC being able to maintain its high standards, and quality of player next season.

After today’s announcement by Lord Nimmo Smith, I believe it will see another reduction in the number Celtic supporters who purchase season tickets.

This is just another kick in the teeth to ordinary everyday supporters, when you can fine a club which no longer exists by way of punishment for cheating, this is just a laughable decision.

Coming hard on the heels of today’s front page of the Glasgow Herald about Police misuse of their anti-sectarian law powers.

This whole investigation has been a sham from day one, both the SPL and the SFA have been hiding under a blanket, maybe they think what they are doing is in the best interests of Scottish Football, I would suggest that supporters of all the clubs with the obvious exception of one will be dismayed by the announcement.

Oldco have been found guilty of cheating, yet the President of the SFA, who was instrumental in the cheating remains in place in his office at Hampden.
The Scottish Football Authorities are an embarrassment; they should all hand in their resignation with immediate effect.

I have decided now that I will not personally attend any more matches at Hampden Park, I believe a lot of football supporters will do like-wise.


Re: We need to get out of this corrupt league we play in.

Postby Guest » Thu Feb 28, 2013 4:41 pm

[COLOR=#000000:1e8944b0]Celtic needs to get themselves out of this corrupt football league that we play in, if we don’t, I don’t foresee Celtic FC being able to maintain its high standards, and quality of player next season.

After today’s announcement by Lord Nimmo Smith, I believe it will see another reduction in the number Celtic supporters who purchase season tickets.

This is just another kick in the teeth to ordinary everyday supporters, when you can fine a club which no longer exists by way of punishment for cheating, this is just a laughable decision.

Coming hard on the heels of today’s front page of the Glasgow Herald about Police misuse of their anti-sectarian law powers.

This whole investigation has been a sham from day one, both the SPL and the SFA have been hiding under a blanket, maybe they think what they are doing is in the best interests of Scottish Football, I would suggest that supporters of all the clubs with the obvious exception of one will be dismayed by the announcement.

Oldco have been found guilty of cheating, yet the President of the SFA, who was instrumental in the cheating remains in place in his office at Hampden.
The Scottish Football Authorities are an embarrassment; they should all hand in their resignation with immediate effect.

I have decided now that I will not personally attend any more matches at Hampden Park, I believe a lot of football supporters will do like-wise.

I agree. No more visits to Hampden. Not a penny more to SFA. No Scotland shirts, no merchandise whatsoever. Moreover, no visits to any SPL or SFL stadiums for away matches.
This outcome is a sham. Why Uefa have not inrevened is puzzling me? The made their feelings on the Sion case very clear. I realize it was a Uefa Compettitio that brought this about in their case, but the Swiss league were forced to act promptly and correctly.
Shame on the SPL, shame on the SFA. I have had it up to the eyeballs with their approach to this whole fiasco.
The quote of the day is this, "A slap on the face to football supporters eveywhere". Agreed, wholeheartedly!


Re: We need to get out of this corrupt league we play in.

Postby Guest » Thu Feb 28, 2013 8:46 pm

Ive been saying since all of this started that all Celtic supporters should not attend any match at hampden. I feel that a total boycott of all away grounds must happen with immediate effect. Every other clubs supporters should ask themselves if they feel that what has happened is wrong, and if so then take similar action. In an ideal world someone approaches UEFA with all the evidence and suggest to them that our governing body is corrupt and a new league must be formed. All other clubs can then decide if they want to leave sevco behind and play their matches free of bigots and cheats. Maybe airdrie and cowdenbeath (the findlay connection) will stay with sevco or they can play linfield every week.
Its also time for Peter Lawwell and Dermot Desmond to earn their money and stand up for the club and its supporters for a change, rather than just because of the finances gained by them being involved.
I suppose there is always the consolation that our football lives are quite short, but burning in the big bad fire lasts forever. Lol

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Re: We need to get out of this corrupt league we play in.

Postby gert/canada » Fri Mar 01, 2013 11:26 am

We seen a clown get a Not Proven verdict for assaulting our manger seen by millions, so this verdict shouldn't have surprised any one. The biggest masonic stitch up ever.

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Re: We need to get out of this corrupt league we play in.

Postby gert/canada » Fri Mar 01, 2013 11:36 am

One more quick rant. Celtic should refuse to send any player on international duty until '" Campbell Ogilvie" is removed from office. And then elect a new SFA president democractically and not just the next highest ranking goat kicker looking for an earner.

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Re: We need to get out of this corrupt league we play in.

Postby Kiwibhoy » Fri Mar 01, 2013 12:35 pm

Yes, but who'd have us?

* The English Premier or Champions' League? Um ...
* The equivalent Republic of Ireland league? Perhaps, but not enough money in it.

If Scottish football were a business, it would be looking at administration or at the very least substantial re-organisation. The product as a whole is poor, and that is before any consideration of Scotland's (mis) fortunes internationally.

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Re: We need to get out of this corrupt league we play in.

Postby Kiwibhoy » Mon Mar 04, 2013 1:07 pm

And this is an ever better example of wishful thinking ....


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