"The bigoted abuse is getting worse"

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Joe O'Rourke
Posts: 282
Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:13 pm

"The bigoted abuse is getting worse"

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Mon Jan 09, 2012 2:17 pm

[COLOR=#000000:edf5e382]Despite all the pontificating by the king in waiting Alex Salmond and his SNP cronies; the inbred hatred of all things Catholic/Irish/Celtic continues in this great little country of ours.[COLOR=#000000:edf5e382]The latest revelations by golfer Paul McGinley that he regularly suffers sectarian abuse from what he calls kids comes as no surprise; not does it come as any surprise that Neil Lennon has again suffered threats via an internet forum.[COLOR=#000000:edf5e382]The level of abuse on these social network sites is staggering; and I speak from personal experience. I registered on Twitter a few months ago; and the amount of abuse I’ve had is astonishing; and from people who I have never met in my life before.[COLOR=#000000:edf5e382]Why would you want to follow someone on a social network site just to give them abuse; and I mean serious abuse; in future I intend to log all the abusive comments before blocking the people who sent them.[COLOR=#000000:edf5e382]I really don’t know how the part of the new legislation concerning communications works; I thought the police would have had a dedicated team monitoring these sites; but I’m beginning to think now that people would need to make a complaint before any action was taken; unless you are very high profile I assume.[COLOR=#000000:edf5e382]It seems to work differently in England; some bigot posted comments about Stan Collymore and was arrested within hours; up here it takes longer. The latest attack on Lenny came from a guy called George Harvey who is about to start training as a “PRISON OFFICER” you wouldn’t want to have any Celtic posters on the wall of a cell he was in charge of.[COLOR=#000000:edf5e382]It would appear the Catholic/Irish/Celtic population in Scotland is under constant attack from bigots; the Scottish Government are good at sound bites; but not so good at taking action; they even destroyed the information that proved that.[COLOR=#000000:edf5e382]I believe one thing; things will get worse before they get any better; they were giving us abuse when they were in a comfort zone of 15 points ahead; what will it be like with us top of the league and heading for a potential treble?[COLOR=#000000:edf5e382]Well let’s put them to the test; let’s remain at the top of the league and continue to support our team in a manner that no other support in the world can. As for the team itself; I would be happy to go with the players we have at our disposal right now; so long as we don’t lose any more through transfer or injury I believe we have a team capable of winning the three trophies available to us. Come on you bhoys in green.


Re: "The bigoted abuse is getting worse"

Postby Guest » Mon Jan 09, 2012 4:37 pm

I think you'll find that Collymore did make a complaint to the Police.


Re: "The bigoted abuse is getting worse"

Postby Guest » Mon Jan 09, 2012 4:39 pm

[COLOR=#000000:5ace2548]Despite all the pontificating by the king in waiting Alex Salmond and his SNP cronies; the inbred hatred of all things Catholic/Irish/Celtic continues in this great little country of ours.[COLOR=#000000:5ace2548]The latest revelations by golfer Paul McGinley that he regularly suffers sectarian abuse from what he calls kids comes as no surprise; not does it come as any surprise that Neil Lennon has again suffered threats via an internet forum.[COLOR=#000000:5ace2548]The level of abuse on these social network sites is staggering; and I speak from personal experience. I registered on Twitter a few months ago; and the amount of abuse I’ve had is astonishing; and from people who I have never met in my life before.[COLOR=#000000:5ace2548]Why would you want to follow someone on a social network site just to give them abuse; and I mean serious abuse; in future I intend to log all the abusive comments before blocking the people who sent them.[COLOR=#000000:5ace2548]I really don’t know how the part of the new legislation concerning communications works; I thought the police would have had a dedicated team monitoring these sites; but I’m beginning to think now that people would need to make a complaint before any action was taken; unless you are very high profile I assume.[COLOR=#000000:5ace2548]It seems to work differently in England; some bigot posted comments about Stan Collymore and was arrested within hours; up here it takes longer. The latest attack on Lenny came from a guy called George Harvey who is about to start training as a “PRISON OFFICER” you wouldn’t want to have any Celtic posters on the wall of a cell he was in charge of.[COLOR=#000000:5ace2548]It would appear the Catholic/Irish/Celtic population in Scotland is under constant attack from bigots; the Scottish Government are good at sound bites; but not so good at taking action; they even destroyed the information that proved that.[COLOR=#000000:5ace2548]I believe one thing; things will get worse before they get any better; they were giving us abuse when they were in a comfort zone of 15 points ahead; what will it be like with us top of the league and heading for a potential treble?[COLOR=#000000:5ace2548]Well let’s put them to the test; let’s remain at the top of the league and continue to support our team in a manner that no other support in the world can. As for the team itself; I would be happy to go with the players we have at our disposal right now; so long as we don’t lose any more through transfer or injury I believe we have a team capable of winning the three trophies available to us. Come on you bhoys in green.


Typical unionist talk that has split my nation and others worldwide ...

It could be said your a bigot no different from the other side........

Joe your unionism and quotes are more like we constantly read and see from the West side of my Glasgow.. Give us all a break son your electioneering for your discreted unionist party has failed.

As a Celt ( 66 years ) lets comment on our team whom you surely will agree needs the backing of us all in a positive manner and not the regular dirge from your keyboard

Hail Hail ...


Re: "The bigoted abuse is getting worse"

Postby Guest » Mon Jan 09, 2012 5:07 pm

The only way to get up their noses is to continually "hump the nuns" and send these people back under the stone from once they crawled


Re: "The bigoted abuse is getting worse"

Postby Guest » Mon Jan 09, 2012 5:26 pm

And STILL after years and years I cannot (even after meeting tommy dornan and pat cummings) get Celtic in the community for the kids of Inverclyde.

Blocked by SFA development officer stuart rafferty, blocked by members of Inverclyde Council,. EVEN GLASGOW CELTIC`S Brian Delaney did not break the cycle. Neither did Robert Docherty both succumed to the anti "Catholic/Celtic,Irish" thing. And lay down to the Bigots and anti Celtic brigade. (It was to much hastle for them)!!!!!!!!

JOE: How many more decades do our kids/grandchildren,nieces, nephews etc have to wait to get CELTIC IN OUR COMMUNITY?

When will Glasgow Celtic FC stand up and fight for equality for OUR area INVERCLYDE?

Bigotry comes in all forms, but lying down to it wont make it any better.


James Houten.

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Re: "The bigoted abuse is getting worse"

Postby gert/canada » Tue Jan 10, 2012 4:19 am

Joe, I was getting worried mate thought you might have lost your PC. As for the abuse on twitter comes with the job pal but i'm sure you can handle it.
Side note "flare let off at Arbroath on Sunday" did'nt see one mention in our daily rags. Wonder who the match Commander was.

Joe O'Rourke
Posts: 282
Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:13 pm

Re: "The bigoted abuse is getting worse"

Postby Joe O'Rourke » Tue Jan 10, 2012 10:52 am

I have been called many things in my day; but a UNIONIST is not one of them. I guess your one of the King in waiting followers.

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Re: "The bigoted abuse is getting worse"

Postby tyrebhoy » Tue Jan 10, 2012 1:07 pm

was at game sunday, once again OK Corral shepherded into them before allowing us inside,
one problem how the hell after search do fans drunk get in, and shout some shit half cannot see game,
but getting to my point, The Banner BLUE TOON iam sure this has been seen at ipox and europe, then there fans gave a show of the bouncy bouncy with some lyrics jump on catholics heads, so Joe we were expecting this garbage anyway, but that ref alan muir seem to allow tackles that came into bouncy and stamp on CELTIC for 90mins, that 3 games on the trot they we have been subjected to terrible refs, Collum, at CP at Dunfermile and peterhead, god help us on Saturday, if thats what 2 points in front do to them, hail hail

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Re: "The bigoted abuse is getting worse"

Postby Stanshoops » Wed Jan 11, 2012 7:56 am

Terrible that you and others have to suffer bigoted abuse in print without the Law taking action, but we are not surprisecd at this are we? What I want to know is -what are the CSA doing about the points raised by many on here in replies to your previous posts about the board sticking up for us? Have you or anyone at the CSA raised this with PL or Celtic and what was their answer. It would be very helpful if you could address the members on here and keep us up to speed with just what the CSA is doing for us -we the members need to know.

irish eyes
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Re: "The bigoted abuse is getting worse"

Postby irish eyes » Wed Jan 18, 2012 2:55 pm

Joe I am never surprised at these things to be honest. You'd have thought with all the talk from the msp's that things would improve but I'm afraid for us nothing has changed for the better imho. Disgusted.

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